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 life as a dancer

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Hallow ween
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PostSubject: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 4:06 am

ok so this is a rp about dance moms. each person must have 2 characters, because we only have 3 or 4 people that watch it, and you must watch dance moms to be in it.
the rp is just simply about your everyday life as a dancer at ALDC. competitions, the show, and abby. so yea.
name(must be asia, payton, maddie, chloe, paige, brooke, or kendall):
anything else?:
no gender because its all girls. and no appearance because we all know what they look like
my app:

name: kenzie
personality: fun, likes chips, and talkative
bio: mackenzie ziegler's full name is mackenzie francis ziegler, but most people call her kenzie. her big sister is maddie. she is 8 years old.
anything else?: nope

my other app:

name: abby
personality: strict, gets angered easily, but still nice
bio: abby owns ALDC. her favorite dancer is maddie. she teaches dance.
anything else: nope

and you can also add your moms in, like this:
as kenzie entered the studio, she saw that her mom, melissa, was fighting with abby.

but you dont need to make an app for the mom. also you cant make it the mom's point of view. it has to be for the ones you made apps for.

ok now go ahead
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 4:06 pm

name: Chloe Lukasiak
personality: sweet, outgoing, nice, caring, pretty.
age: 12
bio: she is second best to Maddie Zeigler~ her mom likes to get into fights with Abby. Abby doesn't care much about Chloe. She will give her some solos and that's about it. She got into the Gefforey Ballet school and is an amazing ballerina that can do most types of dancing. Twinnies with Paige
anything else?: not at the moment

name: Paige Hyland
personality: soft, soft hearted, shy at times, she is underestimated
age: 11
bio: She is good at all types of dancing. Abby doesn't mind her. Paige perfers mostly trios and duets. She sometimes gets solos but not often. She loves dances where she can be a chacarter.
anything else?: nahh
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Cutie Patootie
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Cutie Patootie

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PostSubject: Re: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 5:55 pm

name: Kendall Vertes
personality: Sweet, confident, knows when to quiet down, big impact, smart.
bio: Kendall and her mom Jill love this dance school. Kendall does well in school and does her homework on breaks.
anything else?: not right now...

name: Asia Monet-Ray
personality: Sassy, outgoing, cute, fierce.
age: 7
bio: She is really good at anything she does. She is undefeated and is ready to take the dance world by storm.
anything else?: nope
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 7:09 pm

If We don't get enough people then can we make the other girls NPCs?
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Hallow ween
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PostSubject: Re: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeWed Sep 04, 2013 9:13 pm

both accepted and @miranda<3 yes
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Maddie Ziegler
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PostSubject: Re: life as a dancer   life as a dancer Icon_minitimeSun Sep 29, 2013 12:27 am

name(must be asia, payton, maddie, chloe, paige, brooke, or kendall): Brooke
bio: She used to be Abby's fave.She is great in Acro.
anything else?: nope.
no gender because its all girls. and no appearance because we all know what they look like.

name(must be asia, payton, maddie, chloe, paige, brooke, or kendall): Maddie
personality: A perfectionist
age: 11
bio: She is regarded the best in the team. She takes more privates than anyone else in the team.
anything else?: nope.
no gender because its all girls. and no appearance because we all know what they look like.
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