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 Fantage Series - Needs actors

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PostSubject: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:14 pm

Hi everyone! I'm making a new series and I need actors. Here's what the movie is about:


A girl from Oklahoma named Lizzy moves to California for her first year of Junior High. She was going into 7th grade. She suspected everyone in her new school to be like the kids in her old school, nobody mean, nobody popular, everyone treated the same. But she was wrong. Very wrong.
Here are the parts:
Lizzy-Main girl
Katie-Lizzy's new best friend
Ryan-Lizzy's new guy friend
Vanessa-Popular Taken by Ric9
Jessica-Popular who follows Vanessa around
Josh-Vanessa's boyfriend (Best friends with Nick) & Popular
Nick-Jessica's boyfriend (Best friends with Josh) & Popular
Teacher/Principal-Plays both parts, as a Teacher and a Principal
Extras-We need for extra parts needed.

So we need atleast 5 extras. Smile
If you don't get a main part, it's ok! You'll still get
speaking parts in it once in a while.

We will need actors who go on Fantage often, and a person who can type pretty fast. Here's the form needed:
Fantage Username:
Do you go on Fantage often?:
Have you had experience in movies before?:
Do you type fast?:
Name the 2 parts you want the most:
Do you have many clothing items?:

I hope you try out for a part! On Sunday I will PM everyone who
tried out for a part, and tell them what they got! PM me back
if you are not satisfied with your part, or if you don't want to
be in this series anymore. PM me back if you accept your part,
and I will PM you the details for the series recording times, and
I will tell you what lines you have to say in the Forum Chatbox!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:33 pm

Fantage Username: Nakira
Do you go on Fantage often?: Yes!
Have you had experience in movies before?: No, I have not, but I've seen a few.
Do you type fast?: Yeah, and I always use proper spelling/grammar.
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica and Katie
Do you have many clothing items?: Yes, however I am a Non-member.
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:41 pm

Fantage Username: Pokeranger
Do you go on Fantage often?: Usual. Everyday

Have you had experience in movies before?: Well.. no. i made a video with my sister, Chryssie though. A babv one though. x3
Do you type fast?: Yus
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica and Lizzy
Do you have many clothing items?: Yup. About 60 shirt items, 30-40 skirts/pants items, about 10 costumes, and more. I can buy more if you want. I have enough to buy. 6k
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:45 pm

Fantage Username: 2008sarah
Do you go on Fantage often?: No not really, but I can If I get a part. And I'm on FF alot so if you need me on I can be on.
Have you had experience in movies before?: Yes/No Sorta sorta
Do you type fast?: If you count 120+ words per minute fast then yeah.
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica/Katie/Lizzy (It said two but I couldn't narrow it down D: D: D: D:)
Do you have many clothing items?: Well I don't have every item, but I had like 80% overall, and I'm capable of making 2000-5000 stars per hour so if I need to buy stuff...

When working I'm not that indecisive. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 11:48 pm

Fantage username: agdollfan1
Do u get on fantage often: 3 times each day.
Have u expirienced in movies before: No official youtube movies or anything, but I have been in Fantage movies.
Do u type fast: Yes!
Name 2 parts u like most: Jessica or Katie or Lilly. Lol!
Do you have any clothing items: Yes, medium. I wouldn't say huge but I do have a large selection.
(I am a premium member)

Last edited by agdollfan1 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Fantage Series - Needs actors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 12:05 am

Fantage Username: Shinelly
Do you go on Fantage often?: Ish?
Have you had experience in movies before?: No, rl plays? Yes.
Do you type fast?: I type really fast.
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica or teacher.
Do you have many clothing items?:
Ish, but im a non.
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 9:55 am

Thank-you for "signing up" everyone. (:

~Still in need of actors! Especially boy actors, LOL~
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 10:01 am

Fantage Username:metro99
Do you go on Fantage often?:everyday

Have you had experience in movies before?:yes
Do you type fast?:Yes, with proper grammar
Name the 2 parts you want the most:Jessica or Lizzy
Do you have many clothing items?:yes
78 Pieces of hair
58 tops
42 pants
53 outfits
36 costumes
18 shoes
50 boards
37 accessory's

Last edited by metro99 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:13 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 10:06 am

Fantage Username: nicki445
Do you go on Fantage often?: everyday but like 10 times a day.
Have you had experience in movies before?: i have been in musics but not movies.
Do you type fast?: real fast
Name the 2 parts you want the most:Lizzy and Jessica
Do you have many clothing items?: I Have all shirts and almost all the pants and everything else i mostly have all of it too.

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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 11:20 am

Fantage Username: Roxalyn
Do you go on Fantage often?: Every day, but we've got time difference, because i'm from europe (i do have regular fantage account)
Have you had experience in movies before?: Nope
Do you type fast?: Yeah
Name the 2 parts you want the most: I want to play for the extra parts.
Do you have many clothing items?: I'm a non but i've got:
Hair: 18
Shirts: 23
Pants/Skirts: 18
Outfits: 9
Costumes: 5
Shoes: 4
Boards: 14
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 11:35 am

Fantage Username: Kanna276
Do you go on Fantage often?: Yup like most of the time i stay on for 5 hours O.O

Have you had experience in movies before?: Nope but in Rl plays i was the main character in The big bad Wolf XD
Do you type fast?: Yes very fast like a speedy car XD
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Hmm.... Jessica or Katie but, i prefer Jessica.
Do you have many clothing items?: Yesh a large selction XD
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 12:30 pm

Fantage Username: spirit_of_sky
Do you go on Fantage often?: i only go on when i feel like it/if i a friend wants me online/event but i can go on whenever i not busy and u want me on XD

Have you had experience in movies before?:sort of but not really XD
Do you type fast?: i guess
Name the 2 parts you want the most: i dont really mind because i just doing this to take up time XD ill even be extraa
Do you have many clothing items?: i have all the non stuff
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 12:33 pm

Fantage Username: Miyeon
Do you go on Fantage often?: Yes, quite often.

Have you had experience in movies before?: No, not really.
Do you type fast?: Yes, I do. x3
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Uhh, any part actually. I don't really care.
Do you have many clothing items?: YES. I'm saving up stars to by alot. XD
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 4:44 pm

We need more actors! More boy actors!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 5:03 pm

The only guys I know of on this forum are Mace and Sharpsul.
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 12:12 am

Fantage Username: oookaylaniooo
Do you go on Fantage often?: Yes, probably 1 or 2 times a day.
Have you had experience in movies before?: Nope. But I'm interested in one XD
Do you type fast?: Yup. Can be in Type Boo's high scores.
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica or Katie. But if I can't take it, then I can be anything :3
Do you have many clothing items?: Yesh, even though I'm a non member.
^.^ Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 1:36 pm

Fantage Username: juliajuljulia
Do you go on Fantage often?: more than once a day
Have you had experience in movies before?: kind of
Do you type fast?: yup
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Lizzy or Katie (I'd like to be lizzy more)
Do you have many clothing items? below
Shirts: 75
Bottoms: 56
Outfits: 80
Costumes: 46
Shoes: 28
Hair: 97
Boards: 93
Acessories: 64
And I have money to buy anything else
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 1:58 pm

Fantage Username: coolkat1124
Do you go on Fantage often?: everyday for at lease 4 or 5 hours
Have you had experience in movies before?: yes i have
Do you type fast?: extremely fast and i always spell correctly and use correct grammar
Name the 2 parts you want the most:a main guy part, so i guess ryan or josh, whichever has a bigger part i dont mind which
Do you have many clothing items?: yes i have all the shirt shoes and pants have almost all the hair all the accessories and half of thee boards but i can always buy whatever you want me to wear

thanks so much for the opportunity and i hope i get a part!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 8:38 am

Today is the day I send the PM's to tell you your parts. (: 2 of the boy parts won't work out, so they will be removed from the story, unless another person (boy) PM's me for a part. Congratulations to each and everyone of you who tried to make it, and got it! If you didn't get a main part, like an extra, you will still be involved. Most extras can play as the extra parts that I find, like a Mom, or maybe a friend, or other kids from school! (Most likely other kids from school) So you will still speak etc. and be noticed in the series.
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSun Jul 25, 2010 8:50 am

okay thanks for the info!
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 1:57 pm

Fantage Username: jamie31216
Do you go on Fantage often?: yes!!
Have you had experience in movies before?: nope...
Do you type fast?: yes! of course
Name the 2 parts you want the most: lizzy or katie
Do you have many clothing items?: yes..., however im a non member
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 2:14 pm

Fantage Username: Vatt
Do you go on Fantage often?: YES I own a site, so YES
Have you had experience in movies before?: Nahh, not really... but i bet i could do good
Do you type fast?: Yes
Name the 2 parts you want the most: Jessica, and Teacher/Principal
Do you have many clothing items?: All the clothing items a non member can own =D except no beta stuff or anything before december 2009 cause i had quit fantage before that

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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 8:36 pm

umm guys this was from july i think its over lol
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 6:40 am

Omg!!! I didnt even see that, rawr... I just saw the new post, and i thought to enter too,i didnt even relize that it was over Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razzFantage Series - Needs actors Icon_razz
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PostSubject: Re: Fantage Series - Needs actors   Fantage Series - Needs actors Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 9:20 am

can a mod lock this or somethin
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