Posts : 213 Join date : 2013-09-21 Age : 24 Location : Living in Alfea, lol(Winx Club moment)
Subject: The official Winx Club season 5 Thread! by K.W.F Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:08 pm
Do you like Winx? Do you like season 5? Or like anything but them in this season? Post you thoughts here!
Summary of Season- Source- Wikipedia wrote:
In the fifth season, Aisha's first cousin, Tritannus, finds he will not be king of the Oceans of Andros and attempts to kill his twin brother, Nereus. After being thwarted, he gets thrown in prison with the Trix and he absorbs the pollution from an oil spill in Gardenia and transforms into a monster, freeing them all. The Winx Club find their Believix powers to be less stronger and effective underwater and must attain a new sea/ocean-based fairy transformation and magical power, Sirenix, which is a dangerous transformation and enormous power of the fairies. The Sirenix Book, gives them a new evolved fairy transformation called Harmonix, which enables them to swim faster and freely use their powers and spells in the sea and ocean