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 procrastination [20.10.2013]

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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 10:30 am

it's actually so hard for me to focus on my revision.
i have a french test tomorrow and a controlled assessment on citizenship and god knows what else because i never actually keep up with my work.
i have a bunch of french revision sheets right in front of me but for some reason i just end up on tumblr or youtube.
and if i turn off the computer i just end up on my phone playing candy crush.

EDIT: and also it was raining today and it wasn't the normal rain that you usually get it was literally thundering and it sounded like the devil was screaming and the internet got cut off in the midst of it and i was so scared u feel me
and now the weather is all flower 
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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 1:43 pm

Hah! I know what you mean! xD I'm supposed to prepare for my presentation tomorrow.. but... You know.... xD This is what happens: "Ehhh I'll do it laterrrr." Later: "Ehhh I still have lots of time.." At 8:00pm. "AHHH I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YETTT" xD

Where I live it doesn't rain nearly as much as it should.. :'( I wish it could rain more and thunder looks so amazing xO As long as you don't get struck xD

Good luck with your French revisions xD Bonjour...... ^^ Only French I know xD Heh.
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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 2:46 pm

Angel_Moon wrote:
Hah! I know what you mean! xD I'm supposed to prepare for my presentation tomorrow.. but... You know.... xD This is what happens: "Ehhh I'll do it laterrrr." Later: "Ehhh I still have lots of time.." At 8:00pm. "AHHH I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YETTT" xD

Where I live it doesn't rain nearly as much as it should.. :'( I wish it could rain more and thunder looks so amazing xO As long as you don't get struck xD

Good luck with your French revisions xD Bonjour...... ^^ Only French I know xD Heh.
honestly i'm just gonna wing the french test and whatever other tests i have but don't care for. it's actually so bad omg i never really revise for anything like HOW DO YOU EVEN REVISE.
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Katerina Petrova
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Katerina Petrova

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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 3:55 pm

Don't charge your phone or laptop YAY PROBLEM SOLVED!

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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 6:35 pm

Electrified♥ wrote:
Angel_Moon wrote:
Hah! I know what you mean! xD I'm supposed to prepare for my presentation tomorrow.. but... You know.... xD This is what happens: "Ehhh I'll do it laterrrr." Later: "Ehhh I still have lots of time.." At 8:00pm. "AHHH I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING YETTT" xD

Where I live it doesn't rain nearly as much as it should.. :'( I wish it could rain more and thunder looks so amazing xO As long as you don't get struck xD

Good luck with your French revisions xD Bonjour...... ^^ Only French I know xD Heh.
honestly i'm just gonna wing the french test and whatever other tests i have but don't care for. it's actually so bad omg i never really revise for anything like HOW DO YOU EVEN REVISE.
lol xD I wing all of my Spanish tests but still have an A. Razz Just make your paper sound better I guess. xD Use better words here and there... And... Correct any grammar errors? ^^ Just make it red red red xD
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Senior Fantagian

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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 9:01 pm

I usually don't procrastinate but when my friends say "were going to the movies with the guys from school and girls" I forget everything. This is why I fail religion ;_;
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procrastination [20.10.2013] Empty
PostSubject: Re: procrastination [20.10.2013]   procrastination [20.10.2013] Icon_minitime

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procrastination [20.10.2013]
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