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 Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitimeSun Oct 20, 2013 11:11 am

When I was little me and my friends played this at my pool. It is so fun for people who love adventure, mystical things and fantasy mixed with real world stero types.

In a world centuries away there is a zoo called Eartherexanipa. This zoo holds aliens, mermaids, fairies and so many other unreal creatures. You are one of these creatures. You need to break out. To the water. The ocean realm is a place where there is no judgement and no zoos. Every creature and human have bracelets that allow them to breathe under water. So, will you get caught?


Age(can be very old depending on creature):
What type of creature are you:
Powers(If your creature has them):

Name: Peyton Waters
Age(can be very old depending on creature): 13
What type of creature are you: Mermaid
Gender: Female
Personalty: She is sly, sneaky, kind, smart, friendly, hates zoos.
Bio(opp): She comes from a Atlantis. She was poached and her family was killed. She is learning her mermaid powers. She is very good at singing (as all mermaids/ mermen are)
Powers(If your creature has them): She is good at making hurricans, and sea storms and causing rain. She also has amazing singing ablities.
Picture/Description:Mermaid form: Blue granite tail it goes to sea foam green. The tail glistens in the sun. She looks like humane form but with a tail.
Humane form: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Download_zps473cc4f0
Other: Zoo
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Cutie Patootie
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Cutie Patootie

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PostSubject: Re: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 1:12 pm

Name: Gydridonapthinapontria (G for short) Tychrttiplkidiastyuido
Age(can be very old depending on creature): 14
What type of creature are you: Alien. From Planet Gohptuido (if you want to be an alien from this planet you can)
Gender: Female
Powers(If your creature has them): She can shoot acid from her hands and has no body fat (like everyone on the planet) so she is very very flexiable
Personalty: She is over the top, quirky, a little over confident, always happy (it seems)
Bio(opp): When she was pouched her whole family was killed and she was sent to a electrical cage in a huge zoo. She tries her best to get out but she can't. Until now. Rest Later.
Picture/Description: She has glowing light blue strips and her skin is white. Hair black (about mid back) and she has huge eyes. She is 5'11'' so she is very tall.
Other: Zoo
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 1:55 pm

You are Accepted.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2013 7:08 pm

Name: Mia Chi
Age(can be very old depending on creature): 19
What type of creature are you: Memaid
Gender: Female
Powers(If your creature has them): Can force water out of its place and make tiny air pockets
Personalty: Mia is very afraid of the dark because she watches lots of scary movies and hates when the lights turn out in the zoo. She is stubborn, and gets bored easily. She loves wacky colors and has an odd habit of playing with the coral reefs when shes stressed. she is also very agressive
Bio(opp):Mia was born in the zoo and desires to get out and see the stars because her mom tells her about evrything " up there ".  she is forced to do shows to show to people because she is one of the youngest mermaids in the zoo. 

Other: Mia hates ZOOs
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitimeSat Oct 26, 2013 8:08 pm

You are Accepeted.
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PostSubject: Re: Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps   Eartherexanipa Break Rp Apps Icon_minitime

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