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 colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop

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Senior Fantagian

Posts : 425
Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 20
Location : the land of not telling you

colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop  Empty
PostSubject: colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop    colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 02, 2013 8:07 pm

i can only do 1 or 2 a day probably be able to do 4 or five on weekends
2 don't make any Halloween themed recolors i probably wont be able to get them in in time.
3 if you want a holiday themed recolor make it at least 2 weeks before you need it
4 i do not do costumes with a with the fantagian wearing a outfit with a few accessories ( scuba costume gymnastics costume ect. ) but i will accept the fantagian wearing an actual costume.
entry form
(Put N/A if you want to leave it)
Hair Color:
Shirt Color:
Pant/Skirt's Color:
Dress Color:
Acessories Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Color:
Boy or girl?:
costume color:
Why should you order from this shop?
Although I may not be a pro at recoloring and I may take a while here are 3 reasons why you should choose my shop over the dozens of other ones out there.
reason number 1: I take costumes.
most other shops would not do costumes, as long as you have a valid entry form im fin with it
reason number 2: You don't have to use it on the forum
as long as you specify where you are going to use it i don't care if you use it on the forum or not.

Reason number 3: I do both genders
 I am better at recolors than I am at edits
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Senior Fantagian

Posts : 425
Join date : 2012-12-20
Age : 20
Location : the land of not telling you

colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop  Empty
PostSubject: Re: colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop    colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 20, 2013 12:16 pm

errrr guys this is still a shop any orders?
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colorora's fantage recolor/edit shop
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