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 -A Normal Life- (App)

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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: -A Normal Life- (App)   -A Normal Life- (App) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 1:01 am

You've just been released from school and, now you're on summer break. You plan to hang with your friends, go out,or just stay home and watch tv, its your choice! But the best part is that your parents are on vacation and you have the house for a long time! Your plan is to have the best summer break ever!

1: Romance is allowed, such as kissing! (If you wanna take it to another level send it through pm, please.)
2:Yes, this does take place in summertime, ironically.
3: No taking over the spotlight nor, control other people character's.
4: Mary Sues don't really matter in this rp but if you go overboard ill give you one chance to fix it.
5:I'm not doing the "write this if you read the rules" stuff.

Plans to have a good summer?:
Anything Else?:

p.s i know there is no personality, you can/could build it up.
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: -A Normal Life- (App)   -A Normal Life- (App) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 8:09 am

Name:June Hart
Bio(optional):There's not really much to it. She is living a normal life, and nothing exciting has really happened  yet.
Plans to have a good summer?:Yes! She plans to try all these new things and make her summer better than before.
Anything Else?:Nope
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: -A Normal Life- (App)   -A Normal Life- (App) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 6:44 pm

Name: Jane Gett
Age: 16
Bio(optional): Jane has got a twin: Megan. She lives with her twin sister and her mom in a small apartment. But they go to their beach house at summer. She has a 23-year old stepbrother: Evan, and a little stepsister called Heather, who is 6. Her parents left because they were going to a marriage and left Megan with Jane at home.
Picture/Description: Jane has got shoulder-length straight platinum blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. She's an average height for her height. She usually ties her hair in a high ponytail. She wears vintage clothes and big geeky black glasses.
Plans to have a good summer?: Sure. If her sister doesn't ruin it.
Anything Else?: She's smart and sometimes a bit sarcastic, like her sister, mostly a smart-alec or a know-it-all. She's also shy to new people. But she loves to study. That is impossible in her house, because Megan is super loud. She's not afraid to take a risk. She's also a master at writing.

Name: Megan Gett
Age: 16
Bio(optional): Megan has got a twin: Jane. She lives with her twin sister and her mom in a small apartment. But they go to their beach house at summer. She has a 23-year old stepbrother: Evan, and a little stepsister called Heather, who is 6. Her parents left because they were going to a marriage and left Megan with Jane at home.
Picture/Description: Megan has got long straight platinum blonde hair, which she usually curls or makes wavy, pale skin and green eyes. She's an average height for her height. A bit taller than Jane. She usually ties her hair in a french braid, or lazy buns. Or sock buns. She wears crops, shorts, and likes to tie-dye her hair in summer.
Plans to have a good summer?: She's planning to make a party at the beach house while her parents are gone.
Anything Else?: She's athletic. She loves playing guitar, and the piano, and the violin. She is absolutely in love with her boyfriend Aaron. She texts all day long. She's sarcastic and annoys her sister, but she actually really likes her sister.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: -A Normal Life- (App)   -A Normal Life- (App) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 8:58 pm

Name: Katrina (Kat most people call her or "Kit Kat") Remi
Age: 16
Bio(optional): Katrina has always been "that girl" the one who had good grades, the one who had their stuff together, the one who just was always had a perfect life. Not. No one knows that she had 2 moms but one died of Sickle Cell Anemia (if you don't know what that is she is a talented singer. She models for small catlogs. She wants her life to be more than just okay. She wants to live big. To adopt a kid from china (Kat was adopted from France) she wants to get married and live some where far away. She lives for drama and the rush of anything that will give her that feeling. Her mom Raina is a respected lawyer for hate crimes.
Picture/Description:-A Normal Life- (App) 29vouf
Wheres things like:
Plans to have a good summer?: She is going to drama camp. Then she is going to go to a beach for tanning. She plans to bring her guitar everywhere. She got a new car that is a convertable.
Anything Else?: She goes with the flow but knows when to stop doing something that will get her in trouble...
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