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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: nope   nope Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 12:19 am


Last edited by Loke on Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 1:39 pm

Traditional or Digital? Traditional.
What style? Normal.
Color or No Color? Color.
How do you want it colored? (ex: sharpie, pen, colored pencil, high-lighter) Pen and Highlighter, I was lurking your Deviant-art and the one drawing you used with pen + highlighter caught my attention.
Male/Female/Other (if other then explain): Female.
Hair: Thick black hair with split ends, styled into a sidecut. The hair falls over her left shoulder; the right side is shaved.
Eyes: Big, green eyes, wears a lot of mascara and eyeliner, so don't be afraid to make it thick.
Skin: Pale.
Clothes: A large, black, baggy sweater thats draping off her left shoulder to reveal a pink bra strap. I want the drawing to only be the upper-half of her body, so don't draw pants or shoes or anything like that.
Background: A large, black window, with Maroon curtains that are held back so you can see the raining, storming, grey sky outside.
Pose: crossed arms.
Any other details: Her facial expression should be neutral, other than a slight frown on her face.
Questions/Concerns?: N/A

Thank you. I love your work!
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitimeMon Feb 03, 2014 9:02 pm

Traditional or Digital? Traditional
What style? Realistic.
Color or No Color? Color.
How do you want it colored? (ex: sharpie, pen, colored pencil, high-lighter) Do you have copics? If not, then colored pencils.
Male/Female/Other (if other then explain): Female.
Hair:Short jagged bob. White with a blue undertone.
Eyes: Sharp and stunning. A pale cyan.
Skin: Reaaally pale.
Clothes: Futuristic AI/Robot style.
Background: Burning buildings.
Pose: Walking forward (one foot in front of the other)
Any other details: Facial expression is cold and inhuman.
Questions/Concerns?: Estimate on time it will take to get done?
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitimeWed Feb 05, 2014 8:42 pm

Lineesa wrote:
Questions/Concerns?: Estimate on time it will take to get done?

It'll be done either before or during the weekend. That'll most likely be true for nearly anything that is ordered on here. No more than week I promise you. Again, sorry for the inconvenience concerning time.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Location : london is in jupiter... right? QwQ

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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitimeThu Feb 06, 2014 6:53 am

Traditional or Digital? Whichever one is most comfortable for you. (Proably digital)
What style? Normal? iguess
Color or No Color? COLORSSHHH
How do you want it colored? (ex: sharpie, pen, colored pencil, high-lighter) er... if its an online drawing, just do your magic, if on paper, maybe colored pencil
Male/Female/Other (if other then explain): FEMALE
Hair: liek the picture
Eyes: picture
Skin: pIcTuRe
Clothes: erutcip
Background: white/transparent
Pose: whichever one is best
Any other details: its a mouse
Questions/Concerns?: like this picture right here

nope Mooo10

its from a website called transformice. Razz
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Regular Fantagian

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Join date : 2013-09-21
Age : 24
Location : Living in Alfea, lol(Winx Club moment)

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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitimeSat Feb 08, 2014 12:14 am

Traditional or Digital? Digital
What style? Anime
Color or No Color? Color
How do you want it colored? (ex: sharpie, pen, colored pencil, high-lighter) work your magic with my request
Male/Female/Other (if other then explain):
Hair: dark pink, long side pigtails
Eyes: light red, like almost pink
Skin: like a normal anime character does
Clothes: a dress that reaches to the knees in the dark purple and pink and flats in delicate pink
Background: whatever fits but with sparkles
Pose: winking
Picture Reference (if needed):
Any other details: make it as detailed if you can
Questions/Concerns nope.
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PostSubject: Re: nope   nope Icon_minitime

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