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 Today was a pretty ok day. (2-10-14)

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Regular Fantagian

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Today was a pretty ok day. (2-10-14) Empty
PostSubject: Today was a pretty ok day. (2-10-14)   Today was a pretty ok day. (2-10-14) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 11, 2014 12:33 am

So in my Novel & Film studies class, we watched "The Breakfast Club" (which I've seen like 10 times because it's amazing). Now we need to analyze the characters... yay! I had to study for my calculus quiz and my physics quiz. It shouldn't be too bad though. In US Government class, our quiz was pushed back a day because the teacher was gone... but that's pretty much it. So yeah... nothing out of the ordinary.
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Today was a pretty ok day. (2-10-14)
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