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 this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug

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New Fantagian

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Join date : 2014-03-11

this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Empty
PostSubject: this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug   this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2014 5:52 pm

lol! me to goku...
this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Im74pc
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Senior Fantagian

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this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Empty
PostSubject: Re: this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug   this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Icon_minitimeFri Mar 14, 2014 3:44 am

A bit smiled ^^ Maybe because gay and happy mean basically the same?
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Hero Fantagian

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this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Empty
PostSubject: Re: this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug   this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Icon_minitimeFri Mar 14, 2014 1:37 pm

this made me laugh so much.
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this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Empty
PostSubject: Re: this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug   this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug Icon_minitime

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this will cause a smile to come to your face and then a laug
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