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 have a draw

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeSun Mar 16, 2014 3:01 am

It's messy, I know. I was mostly working on shading and the nose/chin, and didn't have the time to make everything perfectly neat. Any advice on how to make the nose look more natural (not "natural" meaning super realistic because I'm aware that a nose of that size is far too small. I mean "natural" as in it connects well to the eyes and such) would be really appreciated, as I'm currently trying to develop that! Other critiquing would be nice as well, thanks

taken with my phone, so the quality may not be the best:
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeSun Mar 16, 2014 5:58 am

uuuthis is very nice! the colours are very vibrant, and it's good how you are able to show off each separate shade of colour, especially in the hair and shirt ^-^

about the nose, I'm not sure but the colour seems to change so it's different compared to the face. maybe where the shadows are more pronounced? I don't know, it might be that the line is very sharp in the nose compared to the rest of the face? xAx I'm sorry, I can't tell ahaha

I think it could be nice if you could define the lips and ear insides a bit more since other features have some lines to indicate difference, but then that's just me. even without such lines I think this piece is nice to look at

you draw very well ouo the hair stands out the most to me. I think it's because of the difference in lining, or the way it was brightly shaded.

also question for you: do you prefer to draw small or big? :p
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeSun Mar 16, 2014 10:55 am

Bloobu wrote:
uuuthis is very nice! the colours are very vibrant, and it's good how you are able to show off each separate shade of colour, especially in the hair and shirt ^-^

about the nose, I'm not sure but the colour seems to change so it's different compared to the face. maybe where the shadows are more pronounced? I don't know, it might be that the line is very sharp in the nose compared to the rest of the face? xAx I'm sorry, I can't tell ahaha

I think it could be nice if you could define the lips and ear insides a bit more since other features have some lines to indicate difference, but then that's just me. even without such lines I think this piece is nice to look at

you draw very well ouo the hair stands out the most to me. I think it's because of the difference in lining, or the way it was brightly shaded.

also question for you: do you prefer to draw small or big? :p
Thank you sooo much! Yeah, I do think the nose was too defined, now that I look back on it. I was focusing too much on just the shape of the nose and not connecting it to the eye sockets. I do agree with you that the lips and ears needed to be more defined, but sadly there's only so much you can do with colored pencil.

Also, thank you about the hair! Do you think it's overdone? I've been working on making hair more realistic by adding strands instead of shading in chunks, but maybe the darker tones in the strands are too vibrant.

As for your question, it all depends on what medium I'm using, really. With digital art, I like to have big files of at least 1000p both ways so I can zoom in and not lose the quality. As for traditional art (I mostly use colored pencil), I want it big enough so I can clearly see everything, but not too big. Once the drawing is too big, my pencil strokes don't blend together and- I know it's a bad habit of mine- I start coloring in different directions.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 11:43 am

oswin wrote:
Bloobu wrote:
Thank you sooo much! Yeah, I do think the nose was too defined, now that I look back on it. I was focusing too much on just the shape of the nose and not connecting it to the eye sockets. I do agree with you that the lips and ears needed to be more defined, but sadly there's only so much you can do with colored pencil.
oh yes, I see what you mean. I can see the shading which suggests some connection. I think that the lips and ears are still good, I understand about the colouring pencils colouring pencils are hard for me xD I can't bring out separate shades or even blend with them ahaha

oswin wrote:
Also, thank you about the hair! Do you think it's overdone? I've been working on making hair more realistic by adding strands instead of shading in chunks, but maybe the darker tones in the strands are too vibrant.
for me it's the sharp lines which make it vibrant. of course the different shades are also sharp, but the thinner lines make things stand out more in my eyes

oswin wrote:
As for your question, it all depends on what medium I'm using, really. With digital art, I like to have big files of at least 1000p both ways so I can zoom in and not lose the quality. As for traditional art (I mostly use colored pencil), I want it big enough so I can clearly see everything, but not too big. Once the drawing is too big, my pencil strokes don't blend together and- I know it's a bad habit of mine- I start coloring in different directions.
that seems so sensible lmao I can only handle small canvas/doodles. I can't work big OTL I think it's easier to control the drawing with digital art because you can zoom out and all, but I just can't do details ^-^" your pencil strokes have blended nicely on the face, which I especially admire because you can use colouring pencils ahaha
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 5:38 pm

As far as the dark lines on the hair go, I'll work on blending them more in the future. Maybe I should try using a darker base color or softer lines? Thanks for the input!

I think you and I are like opposite, haha. I can't shade or blend colors well with digital art, but I can do that using colored pencils. You seem to be a lot more fluent in coloring digitally, which is something I could use some help on. If you don't mind, would you pm me some tips? I'd really appreciate it.

Any more feedback, anyone?
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 5:32 pm

A masterpiece.... Well since I am more into animu stuff I may not rate it high but it was good =^-V-^=
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 9:43 pm

hikayamasan353 wrote:
A masterpiece.... Well since I am more into animu stuff I may not rate it high but it was good =^-V-^=
thank you! and i understand if you don't like the style very much, it's fine uvu
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 10:15 pm

this is really nice! i love how you colour omg
the only thing i can really crit on is how choppy the hair looks, and that the lips should be a bit more defined. though the lip part could just be your style and that's fine qwq
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: have a draw   have a draw Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 10:47 pm

Aww , that's so pretty. Great job! You got talent. Keep up the good work. I love how the girl's head is positioned. It looks better than just a stiff head.
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