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 Anyone doing doodle 4 google?

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4 posters
Hallow ween
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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 4:20 pm

Is anyone here doing doodle 4 google? Sorry if this is in the wrong section I didn't know if it should be art discussion or not. Also post your doodles here if you want! I will post mine when I'm done, but my invention is a machine that takes information out of books and outs it into your brain. Here is a description:
G is a chair with a person sitting in it with a tube stuck to her head
O is a big ball or chamber of books. It has a tube connecting to the person's head from g
O is a machine with magnets that have books stick to them. It takes books out of g
G is a basket of books
L is a bunch of books jumping on a trampoline and into the basket
E is a cannon that creates books, then shoots them out.
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Legendary Fantagian

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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 5:24 pm

I might enter. It's has to do with inventions right?
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Hero Fantagian

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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 5:38 pm

EYY im entering because i have to its an art class requirement

i'm doing a "FUN-raiser",, yeah o my its a cool carnival and it s HUGE and it raises money to find a cure for cancer wow im actualy proud of my traditional drawn skills so im happy with it o
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Hallow ween
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Hallow ween

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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 18, 2014 7:30 pm

☃ wrote:
I might enter. It's has to do with inventions right?

Yup the theme is "if I could invent something to make the world a better place" you better hurry though it's due on the 20th
My drawing is digital because I don't have any colored pencils and using crayons don't look good. I feel like the judges will be like "oh this idea is just lazy. Only lazy people wouldn't want to read books!" So idk. I had a lot of trouble with the shading, so I didn't do it. I'm not going to be the competition winner, but if I get in the top 250 I'm gonna be so happy! I mainly want to go to the google headquarters.
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Senior Fantagian

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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 4:16 am

I don't do any doodle for google - however I want to create one ^^
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Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone doing doodle 4 google?   Anyone doing doodle 4 google? Icon_minitime

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