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 Whole lotta fun-tage ^^

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Senior Fantagian

Posts : 362
Join date : 2013-12-08
Age : 28
Location : Ukraine, K***-ken, K***-shi, ***-ku, ***-chome, 2-3-1

Whole lotta fun-tage ^^ Empty
PostSubject: Whole lotta fun-tage ^^   Whole lotta fun-tage ^^ Icon_minitimeTue Mar 25, 2014 5:56 pm

I actually made this screenshot for artistic and imagination purpose, but that's what fantage is all about ^^
Whole lotta fun-tage ^^ T2mHM
It's not the best, but I'd say that looking at this pic and imagining charas talking can help you get what fantage is all about.
NB: hiyasan is actually me, now the chara is better looking, here it is:
Whole lotta fun-tage ^^ QIlOM

You can exchange here your character looks and cuter crowds screenshots =^_^=
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Whole lotta fun-tage ^^
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