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 Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe

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Rarity o3o
New Fantagian
Rarity o3o

Posts : 15
Join date : 2014-06-06
Age : 20
Location : In a closet eatting nachos

Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe Empty
PostSubject: Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe   Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe Icon_minitimeFri Jun 06, 2014 9:58 pm

Hello , I'm Shyrah! I decided to make a Shoppe! Since I'm super bored and stuff!

Recolor code:
Hair color?:
Outfit/Top/Bottom color?:
Board color?
Accessories color?:
Shoe color?:
Who do you want to make it? ( Me or Cindy):

Samples! ( NO SAMPLES sorry! )

Edit code:
Surprise or not?( PC ME IF YOU WANT IT HOW YOU WANT IT!):
Who do you want to make it?:

Me: Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe Bleh10
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Rarity o3o
New Fantagian
Rarity o3o

Posts : 15
Join date : 2014-06-06
Age : 20
Location : In a closet eatting nachos

Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe   Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 8:24 am

I bumped? Sorry! We really want orders! Order anytime!
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Cindy and Shyrah's Edit/Recolor Shoppe
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