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 Sword Art Online apps

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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Sword Art Online apps   Sword Art Online apps Icon_minitimeSun Sep 28, 2014 9:53 pm

We are all starting at level one.If you want our OC's to be each others crushes then so be it other than that no crushes.And please have watched the whole season 1 or at least up to the ALO arc

Avatar(before Kayaba shows up):
Avatar:(after Kayaba shows up):

Name:Aiyumi Masame
Avatar(before Kayaba shows up):Short green hair(like Suguha short) and golden eyes
Avatar:Same length dark brown-red hair and pink eyes
Weapon:Double swords or a bow and arrow
Armor:I'll post this later since I just joined.Just imagine her in any armor for now ^^"
Personality:Aiyumi is a quiet girl who seems distant,but actually has a great sense of humor and is nice.She is very motherly like and caring to her friends.Aiyumi can't stand it when people bully others for no reason.Due to her stern face people seem to think she's mean.She'll say something as a joke but has a straight face.You can never tell if she's being sarcastic unless it's really obvious.Aiyumi's still human so she does smile and have emotions.
-She is a beginner at piano
-She likes to sing
-Puppets scare her to death because of a dream she had when she was young

There is probably stuff I forgot and will add later.But oh well.Script or descriptive?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Sword Art Online apps   Sword Art Online apps Icon_minitimeMon Sep 29, 2014 3:37 pm

I am not able to join right now, but I will edit this post when I have time :3
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Sword Art Online apps   Sword Art Online apps Icon_minitimeWed Oct 01, 2014 12:24 pm

Name: Hajime Isayama
Age: 11
Avatar(before Kayaba shows up):Red curly hair long , orange eyes.
Avatar:(after Kayaba shows up):brown straight long hair, still orange eyes.
Weapon: Bow and Arrow and a mediocre sword
Armor: alright armour great for a beginner
Personality: Very energetic, she has a very good sense of humour but offensive things ar not her choice she is very kind but if you mess around with her she will blow. She is a only child and likes doing things alone if she can. She is very close to her family and friends so this will be difficult for her
Guild: none
Extra: none
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Sword Art Online apps   Sword Art Online apps Icon_minitimeMon Nov 17, 2014 9:19 pm

Colorora wrote:
Name:  Hajime Isayama
Age: 11
Avatar(before Kayaba shows up):Red curly hair long , orange eyes.
Avatar:(after Kayaba shows up):brown straight long hair, still orange eyes.
Weapon: Bow and Arrow and a mediocre sword
Armor: alright armour great for a beginner
Personality: Very energetic, she has a very good sense of humour but offensive things ar not her choice she is very kind but if you mess around with her she will blow. She is a only child and likes doing things alone if she can. She is very close to her family and friends so this will be difficult for her
Guild: none
Extra: none
I love that name 'wink wink'  LET'S RP,YUS?Script or Descriptive?
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PostSubject: Re: Sword Art Online apps   Sword Art Online apps Icon_minitime

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