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 Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?

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Hero Fantagian

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Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Empty
PostSubject: Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?   Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2015 9:59 am

Since I have Edit Play, I decided to create a full edit on a song. Again, I have no capture card, so no video. The song I'm using is WAVE covered by 96neko.

I decided to make my own edit because the USA server edits are... pretty underwhelming in terms of the PV (edit video.)

Here are some screenshots!


It's not finished yet, but I plan to work on it more today. How does it look so far?
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Ultimate Fantagian

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Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?   Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2015 12:50 pm

Woah, it looks awesome! And I agree, a lot of the PVs on the US server's are not that great...It's hard for me to find really good ones. Anyway, good luck with the rest of it!
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Hero Fantagian

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Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?   Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2015 1:00 pm

+Reverse wrote:
Woah, it looks awesome! And I agree, a lot of the PVs on the US server's are not that great...It's hard for me to find really good ones. Anyway, good luck with the rest of it!

Ah, thank you! I actually finished it yesterday. I was unable to do the full song, but I have uploaded the PV as public on the US server.

If you want to check it out, the title of the edit is "WAVE (96neko) (PV)"
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Hero Fantagian

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Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?   Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 14, 2015 5:36 pm

wave is the best song tbh.
looking good! great job
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Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look?   Project Diva F 2nd Edit; how does it look? Icon_minitime

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