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 farewell, my friends. [160318]

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Veteran Fantagian

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farewell, my friends. [160318] Empty
PostSubject: farewell, my friends. [160318]   farewell, my friends. [160318] Icon_minitimeFri Mar 18, 2016 2:37 am


i've noticed that this forum has changed a lot, and honestly, it got more depressing. it's dead and feels haunted. a lot of you guys are posting your goodbyes.

i joined this website in 2011, which means i was eleven at that time. i was immature and "tried fitting in". looking at my old posts makes me cringe a lot. i was so attention seeking to the point i lied about some stuff. however, as time passed and people grew, i became more mature.

i didn't have any 'close' friends here, but i had some that meant a lot to me. i am sorry that i forgot your names, but i'm grateful for being there for me all the time.

this site helped me improve my writing, graphics, and drawing skills. my writing have gotten so much better due to the amount of roleplaying i used to do. i never took writing classes, but i'm satisfied with the improvement.

this excerpt is taken from one of my books, nightless.

i didn't take drawing classes either. my drawing improved too. i used to draw digitally most of the times, but i switched to realistic drawing.


this is the last time i'm ever posting anything. i might check this site every couple of months. if we ever used to be friends and you want to keep in contact with me, you can message me on my kik @.bbaekhyun or twitter @90skook

goodbye. (-:
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Hero Fantagian

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farewell, my friends. [160318] Empty
PostSubject: Re: farewell, my friends. [160318]   farewell, my friends. [160318] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2016 5:59 pm

aw this is so touching!! you've improved so much, i'm happy for you. ^^
i was so immature back then as well. it's such a pain reading my old posts and topics, hah.
well, goodbye! hope you do well in the future.
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Senior Fantagian

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farewell, my friends. [160318] Empty
PostSubject: Re: farewell, my friends. [160318]   farewell, my friends. [160318] Icon_minitimeSat Mar 26, 2016 5:43 pm

Don't leave... People still need to be here too!!!
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Veteran Fantagian

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farewell, my friends. [160318] Empty
PostSubject: Re: farewell, my friends. [160318]   farewell, my friends. [160318] Icon_minitimeThu Mar 31, 2016 3:45 am

i was so immature back then, it's kind of weird how i matured throughout the years on this forum.
it's sad to see you go, but i wish you luck in the future.
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PostSubject: Re: farewell, my friends. [160318]   farewell, my friends. [160318] Icon_minitime

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