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 Anyone still kicking around here?

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elsa ♡
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PostSubject: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2018 1:27 pm

Hey guys. I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, I joined this forum back in 2010 and stopped coming on a lot around 2012-2013.
Every once in a while, I get an urge to come back and check on this place....I see a lot of people coming on to check in every once in a while. I thought I would do the same and talk a little bit about what this forum and community meant to me.

This forum, and more importantly, the people I met on here, were such a huge part of my childhood and adolescence even after we stopped going on this forum.
When I was 12-13, I had pretty much no friends at school or in real life. Coming to this forum and going on the chatbox or on Xat after school was the highlight of my day. I knew that there would people here I could talk to and it was like a safe space for me. This community really meant a lot to me during that time, I'm sure that resonates with a lot of you too.

Thank you all for the memories, for the nights we all stayed up on the chat or xat, for the friends I continued to talk to on skype or tinychat or tumblr. Thanks for being a safe community for some kids who didn't have one in "real life". I will always treasure that carefree time in life even though I've lost contact with most of my friends from here.

Miss you guyssss <3 <3

(I turned on email notifications for this post so hopefully I'll see if this gets any replies!)

if anyone wants to talk or catch up or something I put my ig in my location thingy, or you can just reply to this thread and I'll pm you my info <3
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 02, 2018 1:04 am

aaaaaaa i remember you of course and dealing w my dumbass 9 year old self LOL
i don't think anybody remembers me with all the times i changed my username+never rlly making any close friends on here but it's nice to see old users online . i so agree omg the nostalgia whenever i log in is crazy. and the amount of time i spent posting is kinda sad, but at the same time this forum made up like a good chunk of my childhood and i don't regret anything <33
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 7:55 am

I miss the days when Fantage was the proper community that you remember.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 7:31 pm

i came back on because i received an email this morning saying that someone sent me a private message hsshjsjs
i can’t believe it’s been eight years since i joined this place and logging on made me feel so nostalgic. i joined when i was ten years old and now i’m eighteen in my final year of high school. if any of you remember me, i went by so many names but mainly i was miyeon :’) i really miss it here! i made so many good friends that i unfortunately lost contact with. this place was pretty much my childhood too & everyone here made my FF experience amazing. the only thing i regret is reading through my old posts who was i my god
I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!! i also have my social media in my signature if any of you would like to keep in contact! just let me know who you are :-) thank you all for everything!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSun Apr 15, 2018 1:44 pm

ahhh, I think I remember you! Honestly, I come back on this site every other month or so as well. This place and the people I've met here have been a big part of my own childhood, and now I'm in college. if any of you guys remember me at all.. hey! I miss you all!

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cheyenne krow
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 2:25 pm

i remember you!
i actually come on here every few months, especially when people ask me what i was like when i was a kid. i just link to them some of my cringey threads from here.

usually it's super dead... i haven't seen anyone in the chat in years

i'm bluerivers/shay, but no one calls me that anymore. actually, it feels really weird when people call me that these days. my name is (and has always been) cheyenne.
i have done a lot of growing up since i went on fantage/these forums/whatever. i used to be a POS. i apologize for what a numbskull i was.

i'm finishing my freshman year in college; i graduated high school last year. i'm getting my degree in secondary education. i'm moving across the country when i get my associate's so that i can finish my degree/ teach on the west coast yadda yadda yadda, just a little update.

hope everything is well for you guys. you were my friends when i didn't have any, and i'm forever grateful for the time we all spent together.

(my ig is @shyankroh btw)
does anyone know what happened to beauty26/lyli?
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSat Apr 21, 2018 8:00 pm

I remember you! I don't think you'd remember me, but I joined this forum when I was in 4th grade haha. I'm almost 16, so I still have a long way to go, but yeah. This place was my childhood, and it was what introduced me to so many things I still love today. I keep telling myself not to come back to this forum because it is so sad to see how inactive it is, and also because I was so cringy lol. But something keeps bringing me back here, and i just miss you guys aaa

And Abbey- Also, just saying, I used to be so lowkey jealous of your art that it's kind of funny now tbh
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2018 9:27 pm

I don't even remember how to reply to somebody but...

@Abbey! I remember all those tiny chat days with Toast and Spy. Hahahahah.

I think I was 13 when I was active on here?! Gah damn. I remember this place being so fun.
I remember making banners and emoticons on this site and thinking they were so cool. Looking back at them I laugh at the terrible quality. I don't know how I went so long without figuring out how to edit in 300 resolution or googling how to edit in vectors?! It's cool to see how much progress has been made by all of us.

I'm currently volunteering a design agency and I'm majoring in graphic design in college. I also freelance photography and graphic design... I really am thankful for the supportive creative community that this place allowed for 13 year old me. Without y'all putting in art orders to my lil ol' threads - and inspiring me to create by sharing your own art – I wouldn't be exactly where I am.

if anybody is interested in connecting outside of FF feel free to pm me with your old name (so I know who you are lol) and we can exchange social @'s. Smile especially if you're pursuing art! I am extremely curious as to if y'all kept on with it or not.

♡ love + light ♡
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeTue May 29, 2018 10:03 pm

i just made an account today after realizing that there was a forum for fantage ;; aa i wish i could've discovered this earlier
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New Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2018 6:35 pm

WOW hi Abbey!! I remember talking to you back when I was like twelve or something! I used to go by Alex/Lance if you still remember me!

It's really great to hear from you again, I have a lot of good memories of messing around on tinychat with everyone lol

I really miss how carefree/easy life was then; now, I'm constantly swamped with responsibilities and "adulting" :")))

@bbydoll @miyeon HI!
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2018 11:50 pm

aaAAA hi lance!! hi bea!!! i miss all of u
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Jack Skellington
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Jack Skellington

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 09, 2018 2:46 pm

hey abbey! it's xaria. lemme preface this by saying i'm sorry for being such a ******* all those years ago. nothing like being an angsty 6th grader trying to fit in, huh? i've come a long way since then, so let's live and forget. it's not good to dwell on the past instead of focusing on the now anyway. i'm going to be starting my senior year of high school in a few months, so that's exciting. hope you're doing well!
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cake 2.0
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 13, 2018 11:41 am

hi abbey, i wanted to apologize my extreme immaturity back then for all the horrible things i've done or said to you...yeah, i pretty much agree that this forum was basically my childhood when i didn't have one lol  btw i find it suprising to see your face on  on that one subreddit, its like the internet is small &also wanted to say that i always admired your artwork and siggys on here

i joined this forum when i was in elementary school lol
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeThu Jun 14, 2018 5:36 pm

there's nothing like childhood memories <3
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elsa ♡
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2018 4:35 pm

holy wow I just got an email notification about this post and I got so emo so fast, if anyone remembers me I used to go by cowcow23 ? my 4th grade brain tried really hard on that one I guess

it's so crazy to see everyone all grown up and reminisce on such a wonderful part of our childhoods and I can't believe it's really been almost 7 years since I registered !! figured I would stop by again to see how everything has changed.

also, my old posts are incredibly cringey so I really apologize 4 that Smile)
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2018 8:42 pm

Jeez, it's been eight years since I first got here from looking for Fantage-related forums through Google. I can't even read through my old posts because they're so cringy. I posted my entire life story on here and thensome. I'm sorry y'all had to read that. I also need to apologize to Mace for spamming and making stupid posts. [strike]And I'm sorry for acting like a butthole.[/strike]

     I was so addicted to this forum and to Fantage, now they're both dead. It's cliche, but I don't think that there's anything that could replace them in my heart. I don't play MMOs as much anymore, and I don't have any social media except for Youtube (deleted my Instagram and I'm deleting my recent Deviantart account). My life feels so empty, I don't know what to do.

    Eh, I think I'll manage.

    @Bbydoll I'm majoring in graphic design too.

(For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Gabriella/Gabbriella9334/Akinabear.)

Last edited by Gabriella on Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2018 9:58 pm

i got an email notif for this post which (at first!) confused me--i almost ignored it but then came the intense feeling of nostalgia and also a need to apologize to all of the people i was ABSOLUTELY awful to back in this forum's heyday. i was an angsty, socially inept 13-14 year old (as if that isn't clear from the cliche, godawful kurt cobain profile picture haha) with the emotional maturity of a backwoods hermit who thought i knew everything and definitely really hurt some people, so if anyone that i did kind know, screw over, is reading this then i am very, very sorry. i wasn't mature enough at the time to understand that just because you're hurting doesn't mean it's okay to inflict that onto other people.
that said, best of luck to everyone with all of their future Adult'ing and university degrees (going to begin the process of getting mine this coming fall). this forum really was a fun way to waste time way back when.
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 16, 2018 12:34 pm

i was reading through old posts and stuff and just like... whaaaaaaat

i feel like most people i talked to were even earlier so i dont recognize most names (and im sure most people wont recognize me anyway) BUUUT it was nice to see mace's "Pluto!" again, lmao. i remember abbey, pokeranger, noah, donut, CYM, cami, im still friends with anaira on fb, so many others. like shay said, you guys were my friends when i really didnt have any

just kinda worked/had fun the last few years since graduating high school, happy to see that everyone else was making responsible choices cyclops im finally going back to school for nursing.

it is kinda funny tho when people are like, "what were you like when you were younger?" because there are a few years of my life that were like exclusively online. hopefully everyone is going outside and living in the world - we all made friends/memories that cant be replaced, but ive had so many exciting experiences the last few years and really became someone i never wouldve expected. im literally about to turn 22 and i feel like im 50, lol

@ shay - idk how/when it happened but i just re followed you on ig. i just thought you had randomly stopped posting or something silent if anyone is at all interested mine is @maddyisboring
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone still kicking around here?   Anyone still kicking around here? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 22, 2023 5:36 pm

Hihi everyones~ =^w^=
Yup it's been a long since even Fantage got shutdown... and when I was here I was like 20, now I'm 27, very ancient...
Kids need safe and sweet online spaces like this one used to be... like for real...
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