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 meet up on fantage!

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Senior Fantagian

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meet up on fantage! Empty
PostSubject: meet up on fantage!   meet up on fantage! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2018 2:19 am

so i may be the only one who still plays fantage on this forum, but for nostalgia's sake let's meet up!

I wasn't here during FF's prime time so I'll probably just be meeting some new friends, but I barely use the social aspects of the game (I'm all about gaining levels) but that can be subject to change!

If anyone is interested I can make a group chat somewhere , or we could meet on the chat box at a certain time.

Let's get on fantage before it shuts down, because from the looks of it, it seems pretty soon.
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Veteran Fantagian

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meet up on fantage! Empty
PostSubject: Re: meet up on fantage!   meet up on fantage! Icon_minitimeWed May 30, 2018 8:36 pm

I'm down for that! Sunday evening is good for me.
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