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 Didn’t fantage have a boardwalk (hailey’s comet)

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Regular Fantagian

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Didn’t fantage have a boardwalk  (hailey’s comet) Empty
PostSubject: Didn’t fantage have a boardwalk (hailey’s comet)   Didn’t fantage have a boardwalk  (hailey’s comet) Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2022 11:46 pm

I love funnel cake fries and the salty air
I don’t remember how to tame my curly hair
I am confused right now do I really care?
I smoked for the first time in awhile
I put on the young & free playlist on Spotify
Listening to pop and having an age crisis

Am I a fool for being sentimental
Some old dude called me mental
He left and I got a shot of b12
Eating boardwalk fries with you
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Didn’t fantage have a boardwalk (hailey’s comet)
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