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 Rest in Peace...

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PostSubject: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 10:58 pm

our dog died about fourty five minutes ago.
i can't stop crying.

i'm just glad she lived a long healthy life.

she'd always be at the top of the stairs, outside our door, guarding our bedroom every morning.
when we left the room she'd stand up and smile. she'd always look like she was growling but she was really smiling.

most people say "you'll get over it."
but i'm not going to.


rest in peace, Isis.

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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 11:01 pm

Oh my god...
No, No...
My dog, he died about 2 years ago.. I still haven't forgotten, I still don't get over it..
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 11:37 pm

aww :'(
rest in peace
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 11:53 pm

DDD: I feel soo sorry for you... My first dog got out one day and never came back right before my birthday, 2 years ago, and I still miss him so much... I made a little scrap book for him, with a note I made in 2009 saying: If your reading this your sad... Think of Chip (my old dog) and remember the first time you saw him, when you were happiest." And it would always cheer me up =) Sorry about your dog, I would have cried really hard too if my old dog died...

Rest in Peace Isis... Rest in peace (probably) Chip...
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:06 am

Our first dog, Tobi, died a month after we bought him...
He died because of heartworms
We took him to the vet, but it was too late...
Rest in Peace, Isis and Tobi...
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:50 am

)': My cat died when my dog ripped her lungs out. (we're not talking bout cats...)
But year ago we gave puppies to some couple. So the next day, we went over to their house... I was so shocked, they abused oe of them and killed him, seeing him dead on the floor... Oh how tragic of death....R.I.P. Isis.... )';
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 10:24 am

i got to pets tht died a long time ago: hermit crab and goldfish
usally i forgotten about them but u know... RIP
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 11:11 am

Aw... sorry Inu-Chan...
Rest in peace, Isis...
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 2:10 pm

That reminds me of my old dog. It's been 6 years and I just got over it, then out of the blue my parents say we are getting rid of my new puppy cause she was making her dad to crazy. I miss both of my baby girls!
R.I.P Isis and Noksu!
And I miss you Roxy!
Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 6:12 pm

I only said you'd get over it 'cause my horse died a couple years ago- and I'm over it. But I still miss riding her.. If you guys are burying her- if you already havn't You should put her favorite toy and some biscuits with her. :] If you truly love something then you'll set it free. By setting her free your letting her live happily in doggy heaven.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 6:37 pm

my cat is still kickin but if this loss affects you forever then I'd better be ready
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 1:46 pm

I'm sorry :C
You guys...adopt pets...don't buy them...some pets in pounds are really lonely...
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 4:05 pm

Anaira wrote:
I'm sorry :C
You guys...adopt pets...don't buy them...some pets in pounds are really lonely...

I know? D:
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 12:02 pm

I'm so sorry...pound pets ARE lonely, Isis and Chip hopefully are in a happy place (If Chip is even dead)...I know that you will be sad about it forever, I've grown so attatched to my dog Saphie, so if I let her go, I will know how you feel.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 1:39 pm

I feel so sorry. Probably 2 years ago,I had a dog named Tito. One day while I was getting him water,he ran away. I suppose my neighbors set him free,because the leash did not look it was bitten. It was as straight as this: _________ I still wonder where he is,in heaven,in a loving home,in a pound,or if his spirit is still trying to find his way back to his first home,my home. R.I.P. Isis and Tito
P.S. I have a new dog named Sandy,she is a poodle puppy and this is my second year with her. I hope she doesn't run away,get sick,or be stolen. I love my dear Sandy very much.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 1:59 pm

Sorry if this affends you guys but, animals, when they die, they dont go to heaven
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 2:03 pm

sdr1999twin wrote:
Sorry if this affends you guys but, animals, when they die, they dont go to heaven
Yeah, that's true...R.I.P Isis Sad
Only ppl Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 2:05 pm

they probably don't go to heaven,but how do you know that
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 2:12 pm

My mom told me
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 7:56 pm

No offense, but your mom is a bit of a party pooper.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 8:07 pm

I don't agree. One day in church, the childrens preacher told me to pray. I did, and I prayed for my cat. He told me that animals have no souls, they dont go to heaven, and I cried and cried. But I believe they do go to heaven, i used to say that when I die I'll ask god if I can visit kitty heavenAnd visit my beloved cat, mojo. RIP Isis and mojo! I know how you feel Cym, it's been six years and I've still barely gotten over mojo's death.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 8:16 pm

Can we please stop talking about heaven? And who gets to go? Bit of a touchy subject for me. I'm dead and tired of people condemning me to eternal fire, and since talking about heaven tends to lead to that whenever I'm near...

@sdrtwin: You are so insensitive. Listen, you DON'T go on to a place where people are moaning about their dead pets and randomly decide to tell them that the happy life after death they are praying for won't exist for animals "Because they have no souls! Lol!" No one, no one, can not feel the wet tongue of a dog, or hear the warm purring of a cat, and not feel loved and cared for. I don't care if it's just affection decided because it made sense in order to survive, it's affection nonetheless. You can not feel affection without a freaking soul. Even if it's neural electric firing that sets off hormones and blahblahblah, because neural electric firing that sets off hormones and blahblahblah=soul for me. And I don't give a moldy peanut shell what your stupid pope says, it doesn't freaking affect me, he's just a freaking person, even if he can hear God (not saying he can't, it's very possible he does, he's still just a person.)
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 10:25 pm

Guys, let's be nice. If you don't believe in stuff that is fine, you are entitled to an opinion. Some people do believe, and they can believe in what they want, like anyone can.

Think before you post.
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 4:29 am

Sorry but, nobody goes to heaven until they die, and even before that, you go to a supposed ''-REPORT ME I SWORE- (lol seriously? here i wrote ''h3ll'', since when is that report worthy?)''
that is what my ''bible class'' is teaching me, but i don't believe at all so i might be wrong

wether they go to heaven or not, just be happy they lived a good life with you.
if there is no afterlife, atleast you spent time with them, if there is, amen.

Last edited by Anaira on Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitimeSat Nov 13, 2010 8:16 am

[quote="InuYasha"]our dog died about fourty five minutes ago.
i can't stop crying.

i'm just glad she lived a long healthy life.

she'd always be at the top of the stairs, outside our door, guarding our bedroom every morning.
when we left the room she'd stand up and smile. she'd always look like she was growling but she was really smiling.

most people say "you'll get over it."
but i'm not going to.

Im sooo sorry for you the death of your dog. I hate it when ppl say that u "lost" them cus u didnt. there is no chance in ever finding them there not lost there gone.
(my baby sister of three has lukimea (shes still alive) and my 0 year old bro died before he got to take his first steps or his first breath. His twin survived and is now 14 and hates everyday without the brother he never 14 year old sis who fell to breast canser and passed

R.I.P Andy and Molly. we love you and miss you everyday Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Rest in Peace...   Rest in Peace... Icon_minitime

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