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 A Design shop..

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Loyal Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 10:41 am

Hii! Im making this design kinda of shop... here are some examples,




Just tell me what design u want (like ex.1, 2 or 3) and what color. I can also do random colors if u want.
Also tell me what size u want!

These might take a while so please be patient!
Sorry if the pictures too bigg!

Last edited by ashley123 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:08 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Junior Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 10:49 am

kewl!! =D the thrid one herts my eyes!!! cyclops
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Loyal Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 12:11 pm

Haha yeah its an optical illusion! i think...

Someone order pleasee!
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Passionate Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 4:20 pm

Ill order (btw can we have writing on it?)

I want ex.2 with any random color(s) (just as long as they make a good combination)

I want it like a good size, not tooo small and not too big (if we can have writing) i want it say: kiwi ish awsum <3

(oh and idrc if u do/nt cap. the "k" in kiwi)

~thx ash
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Loyal Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeSun Nov 14, 2010 4:38 pm

kiki424 wrote:
Ill order (btw can we have writing on it?)

I want ex.2 with any random color(s) (just as long as they make a good combination)

I want it like a good size, not tooo small and not too big (if we can have writing) i want it say: kiwi ish awsum <3

(oh and idrc if u do/nt cap. the "k" in kiwi)

~thx ash

K here:
A Design shop.. Kiki_s11

If you want me to make it shorter just tell me!!
Hope u like it! Smile
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Regular Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 7:03 pm

can u do ex 2 with pink and orange plz
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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 7:19 pm

Let's see... I want the second one, colors black and white.
If you can't, then just black, lol.
Can you make it small too? If not, then it's fine. :3
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Loyal Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 7:58 pm

ii77ll- Here you goo:
A Design shop.. Ii77ll10

Tiny-Shrimp- Here you go:
A Design shop.. Tiny_s10

Hope you guys like it!
Anymore orders?
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Regular Fantagian

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A Design shop.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2010 7:02 pm

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PostSubject: Re: A Design shop..   A Design shop.. Icon_minitime

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