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 what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?

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Passionate Fantagian

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:40 pm

i have been appaled by these horrible kid shows that are just out and out immature shows like shake it up or icarly they are ridicioulous and just so horid i could gag its embarrising
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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:51 pm

I like Phineas and Ferb

And Its Edward Cullen's fault
(runs away)
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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:53 pm


(Not that I don't agree with you, but I would be careful with what I post online and not fall to accidental trolling).
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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 8:54 pm

I seriously hate the new shows now.
Back then, the shows were BEAST.
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Passionate Fantagian

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 04, 2010 8:37 am

It's getting annoying. iCarly is the worst thing that happened to Nickelodeon. Hannah Montana was OK before they introduced dating, which pretty much ruins everything these people make. -.-"

I totally agree with you. They need to bring back FUNNY and CREATIVE cartoons that don't revolve around stupid comments.
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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 04, 2010 10:40 am

You mean like SpongeBob? No offense, but SpongeBob is no longer funny. It used to be hilarious, but now that it has gone on for too long, well...

GUYS. You are not in the target demographic. How old are ya'll? 9-14? Maybe the 9/10 people are, but Hannah Montna and iCarly and such are more for 6-8 year old GIRLS that just want to be teenagers but still needs their daily dose of idealism. Besides, iCarly gets away with A LOT. Some of their lines have me wondering whether the censors were asleep or something. ("Holy crab", anyone? What about "I feel violated"?)

You want good kid's shows? Go to Nick Jr or PBS Kids. Really, I'm not kidding. Arthur/Word Girl/Ni-hao Kai Lan/The new My Little Pony series is pretty darn epic. Or go watch what 6-8 year old BOYS watch. Like Avatar The Last Airbender. Teen Titans. G.I. Joe. Barbie.

You're too old for them? Then watch something for teenagers! Or shoujo/shounen anime! Or the internet! I haven't watched TV in a loooooong time, due to the complex web that is the internet.
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Hero Fantagian

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 3:46 pm

You mean kids shows such as like Toy Story? Ok, I know it's on DVD but... does it sometimes come on tv, anyway? It says it's Rated G! They say that I word in the movie! Should it be Rated PG for that? Because I noticed it the first time i watched it!
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Senior Fantagian

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 3:57 pm

I agree with everyone who says they are getting uninteresting now. I seriously dislike iCarly, Wizards of Waverly Place, Victorious, Shake it Up, Good Luck Charlie, Zoey 101 (which is old), and Hannah Montana (a little). The TV is getting more boring. All I want is hysterical comedy on a show! Disney and Nickelodeon are both my last choices to watch on TV, but they aren't when there's a new episode or Suite Life on Deck on.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 4:50 pm

wait, how are you okay with hannah montana but not icarly?

the world is changing. And we're gonna have to accept it.
There's this one dude who went crazy because he couldn't deal with change and then he did some *stuff* and got sent to jail.
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PostSubject: Re: what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?   what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!? Icon_minitime

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what the heck is wrong with kid shows!?!?!?
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