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 My New Year Eve's Day!

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Senior Fantagian

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My New Year Eve's Day!  Empty
PostSubject: My New Year Eve's Day!    My New Year Eve's Day!  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 4:22 pm

Okay Hello! My New Years was great! Me and my family had a party at my house. We listened to music, ate food, lite up fireworks me and my cousin had a party of our own we put the radio on and had a blast full of fun!

I PERSONALLY don't like fireworks because I hate the sound and it's dangerous also it could kill people. When my cousin was blowing fireowrks outside of my house I decided to look at them... Yes i admit there pretty to watch. Then my cousin had more fireworks then one's you hold that dont blow up or pop and my cousin said " Come try it IT'S FUN!" Then I said " No'' Then he said come here! Then I said No again... That went on until he dragged me outside and made me blow out the firework stick


All in all it was great!
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Year Eve's Day!    My New Year Eve's Day!  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 7:26 pm

lol nice im just at my grandmas just got chinaease food..
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My New Year Eve's Day!
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