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 if I can make a game site...

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: if I can make a game site...   if I can make a game site... Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 7:16 am

here are my ideas and I'm just saying if

-7 day member trial for new members

-three membership choices- 3 months, 6 months, 12 months

- cost of the memberships- 3 months=$10 6 months=$16 12 months=$24

non members in this world can

- create your own avater

- buy eyes

- color their clothing any color!

- buy hair

- play event games

members in this world can

- buy special items ( the items are marked with an "M")

- invite friends to their house

- play event games and earn free items from the game

- make their clothes multi-colors

those are my ideas!
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Princess Rosie
Junior Fantagian
Princess Rosie

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PostSubject: Re: if I can make a game site...   if I can make a game site... Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 8:08 am

I think those ideas are fab!
But you need to be a pro to make a game like that. youd also need help of some other people.
And I think you'd need to put the price higher for membership, because I heard you have to pay hundreds of $s each month/year to keep your site going, and you need hundreds $s more for launching the website, and $s for making changes or updating the game.
example: new items
special facilities
I only know all of this because my dad owns a few websites.( not game websites xP )
But your ideas are great and if you did have a game website, I'd love to play it!

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Regular Fantagian

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if I can make a game site... Empty
PostSubject: Re: if I can make a game site...   if I can make a game site... Icon_minitimeSun Jan 23, 2011 12:08 pm

Your ideas are great, but it does cost quite a lot of money. But if it did go through, I would be your first member!
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PostSubject: Re: if I can make a game site...   if I can make a game site... Icon_minitime

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