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 My family and I got the Xbox 360

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Hero Fantagian

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My family and I got the Xbox 360 Empty
PostSubject: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 4:29 pm

Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! The other day, we went shopping at target for the Xbox 360

Here are the games we got. We got to pick out our own game!

Brother's Game:
Lego Batman (I like being Robin HAHA)

My Game:
Shrek Forever After (I wanted to get Kinectamals, but I didn't see it on the shelf Evil or Very Mad So mad at myself)

Mom's Game:
Zumba (She only played it once)

Dad's Game:
Kinect Sports (It's kind of funny cheers )

We also got two controllers. But for some reason, my mom's user is the only one, and I mean only one, that got the Xbox live free for a month!
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Loyal Fantagian

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My family and I got the Xbox 360 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 5:00 pm

Lol nice choices. I suggest you not play the kinect for 3 hours straight... trust me, you'll feel it the day afterwards xD Lol the little videos at the end are hilarious. If you want xbox live for free you get a month everytime you submit an email. Also if you subscribe to some mail thing(like every few months you'll randomly get mail with a code or something).
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Hero Fantagian

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My family and I got the Xbox 360 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 5:03 pm

♥bliss wrote:
Lol nice choices. I suggest you not play the kinect for 3 hours straight... trust me, you'll feel it the day afterwards xD Lol the little videos at the end are hilarious. If you want xbox live for free you get a month everytime you submit an email. Also if you subscribe to some mail thing(like every few months you'll randomly get mail with a code or something).

Well, I never played it yet. You know, Kinect sports, but I don't know how long my dad plays it. Maybe...20 minutes? 10 minutes? I'm not sure.
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Hero Fantagian

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My family and I got the Xbox 360 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 7:54 pm

My classmates have the Xbox, I tried playing once, i failed like, bad.
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My family and I got the Xbox 360 Empty
PostSubject: Re: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 29, 2011 9:05 pm

i got it for christmas. my dad wanted it cuz i told him bout it.
it's fun, but dont overdo it or else you'll get tired of the game too fast.c;
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PostSubject: Re: My family and I got the Xbox 360   My family and I got the Xbox 360 Icon_minitime

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My family and I got the Xbox 360
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