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 From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1

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Senior Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:13 pm

Incase u never read the short poem here:


It's so lonely when you dont have anyone to talk to,no one to share your happiness with,not even anyone to talk to when your sad or crying!Isn't it like an empty room where you are the only one in,trapped inside a big tower thinking that everyone hates you and despises the way you look!

But sometimes you think that if you really were hated,then you really would not care about anything that happens.All you would be thinking of was freedom from this tall tower.

But who is anyone to tell me i am lost in what i should be,and who is to tell me that i am to listen to the things i should do,when they just hate me,and make me feel so sad and lonely inside.Cant i stand up for what i actually believe in.But thinking about it just feels like it's just Me Against The World.A world where everyone just hate me because i am just different from everyone else.......

Is tht wrong to be different?

Umm...some part came off from the poem n some from a song i rlly like!!(n Inuyasha!!):

Its not always lonely though.Some kids and there parents come near the tower or just come right at my door where i am locked in.But i am sad that i cannot see there faces because the door to my room was kept locked, and the key was kept near to Byakuya,so no one could release me;But after it became dark,the children and there parents had to go home because,after it became dark,there are some demons that might hunt them down if they just stayed outside playing or even just walking.But it kind of made me angry i could not do anything to stop the demons from hunting them down each and every night.
But it would get me extremely ANGRY if one of those things killed one of my friend who always visit me to make me happy.(then,as she finshed talking,she saw a friend who visited her for like,the day when she was locked inside the tower.....GET CARRIED AWAY BY A DEMON)......

Umm....imma cut it right there..but dont worry......stick around to find out what happens nxt.....(it takes time to memorise things u know)
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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:15 pm

This is awesome, man.

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Senior Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:16 pm

looks kinda short.....
Umm in nxt episode:
She tries to escape n go against a demon....
then she kinda realises why she got locked in the tower....n why she got lonely...
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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:17 pm


OT, but oh my gosh please stop posting in the wrong forums please please please it is so annoying to have to move completely misplaced posts elsewhere. your bar is already at red so next time it's a ban
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Senior Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:17 pm

thnx guyz!!
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Senior Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:19 pm

Abbey wrote:

OT, but oh my gosh please stop posting in the wrong forums please please please it is so annoying to have to move completely misplaced posts elsewhere. your bar is already at red so next time it's a ban

omg idk about there any way to put it up back??PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ I AM BEGGING U....IDK ABOUT THT!!!!!!!!!
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Hero Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:23 pm

kateyperry221 wrote:
Abbey wrote:

OT, but oh my gosh please stop posting in the wrong forums please please please it is so annoying to have to move completely misplaced posts elsewhere. your bar is already at red so next time it's a ban

omg idk about there any way to put it up back??PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ I AM BEGGING U....IDK ABOUT THT!!!!!!!!!

love it katy btw they said if you go one month or more without breaking the rules then maybe a mod could bump it up to a orange?
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New Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 06, 2011 5:28 pm

Anime wrote:
kateyperry221 wrote:
Abbey wrote:

OT, but oh my gosh please stop posting in the wrong forums please please please it is so annoying to have to move completely misplaced posts elsewhere. your bar is already at red so next time it's a ban

omg idk about there any way to put it up back??PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ I AM BEGGING U....IDK ABOUT THT!!!!!!!!!

love it katy btw they said if you go one month or more without breaking the rules then maybe a mod could bump it up to a orange?

kk...thnx Anime!
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Hero Fantagian

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 07, 2011 8:33 pm

Riveting tale chap hurhur I thought it was pretty good ^^
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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1   From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1 Icon_minitime

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From the Poem ( Poem i jus thought of) comes tha story! pt.1
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