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 Does this count as tracing?

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Veteran Fantagian

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Does this count as tracing? Empty
PostSubject: Does this count as tracing?   Does this count as tracing? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 12, 2011 3:53 pm

Okay, you take a picture that you did not draw, then you trace over it for help with let's say, hair because it's complicated. You post it somewhere BUT THEN- Credit the photo/artist. I did this right now for a picture..except not the posting and crediting part- but I will post and credit if this doesn't count as tracing.
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Does this count as tracing? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does this count as tracing?   Does this count as tracing? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 12, 2011 4:06 pm

Yup, Tracing.
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Veteran Fantagian

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Does this count as tracing? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does this count as tracing?   Does this count as tracing? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 12, 2011 4:20 pm

Timegear wrote:
Yup, Tracing.
Mkay >.< I'll try to draw the hair without the picture's help then
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Does this count as tracing? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does this count as tracing?   Does this count as tracing? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 12, 2011 7:59 pm

but the hair was pretty good when you draw it
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Does this count as tracing? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does this count as tracing?   Does this count as tracing? Icon_minitime

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Does this count as tracing?
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