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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 12:52 pm

Remember, this is a debate, not a flame war. Post intelligently.

Fair warning, if you say anything offensive you will probably receive some form of punishment. Abby said she'll be keeping a close eye on these debate threads.

So what is your opinion on abortion? Should it be allowed or why not? Who should be allowed to have an abortion?

I personally think anyone who has participated in, you-know-what (not sure if I'm allowed to say the word on this forum), should be responsible for their child. Why take away a fetus' right to live because you were stupid. You know the consequences for, you know what, and you decided to go through with it. If you cant support your baby you can always give it to someone or give it up to adoption, but I think anyone who knows the consequences for, you-know-what, and still participates, should be held responsible for their child.

As for children with deformities, mentally unstable, etc. I still think they should have the right to live. You can still be happy when you are sick. My neighbor has down syndrome and he's probably the happiest person I know. The doctors thought my cousin was going to die after birth but his parents decided not to do an abortion and now he's a healthy happy child. You dont necessarily know how someone is going to turn out, so dont take away their life prematurely.

As for rape victims, very rarely do rape victims become pregnant and the percentage of abortions done for rape victims is EXTREMELY low, so I dont think using them as an argument for abortion is very smart. But to answer the question, I still dont believe in abortion. It's a terrible thing to get raped and have to give birth to someone else's child, but two wrongs dont make a right. If you dont want the baby or cant support the baby than give them up for adoption.

The only time I do think abortion is okay, is if the mother would die giving birth.

Honestly abstinence would solve the abortion problem. The only debate would be about whether rape victims can have abortions. If people were more responsible and didnt have pre-merital, you-know-what, than over 90% of abortions would not have happened.
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 12:53 pm

exactly,thats why we need protection xD
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:01 pm

i know i don't think abortion should be actually aloud! my neighbors were drunk when they did the process of making a baby and when the doctor said there baby wasn't gonna be normal or smart because of maybe the drinking and i can't really tell since our neighbors wouldn't tell us most of the details since it was private, they planned on getting an abortion! Sad but technically speaking it was the parents fault for being drunk before making the baby and i couldn't stop them since it was there choice :/ so yea and i was sooooooo excited for another child on our street anyways to sum this up

i think abortion should be banned since there killing the life of an innocent baby!

but to make it about me: i almost died when my mom was giving birth yet she didn't choose to get an abortion so yea
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:08 pm

xXlexiXx wrote:
exactly,thats why we need protection xD

I think protection such as condoms are problems nowadays.

People try to justify, you know what, every way possible. "You cant trust teenagers not to have you-know-what." Really? Cuz it worked 100 years ago. If condoms, or birth control, or abortions didnt exist, people would be more responsible.

People even have, you know what, because they can reverse it with a simple abortion. "Abortions exist, so if I have you-know-what, I can just have an aborion."
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:52 pm

wow spy-der..really can you think of a debate that is appropiate. kids shouldnt even be thinking about you know what and should not know what abortion is.
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:56 pm

The part I don't understand is why this is on a social game-based forum.
Exactly why would you post this on here? Opinions or not, you're somewhat
breaking the rules from what I see.

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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 1:56 pm

I asked Abby about it and she said a debate about abortion is fine.

Honestly, kids who dont know what You-know-what is, should not be forumming or going on any chat sites. You get exposed to a lot on the internet and it's irresponsible parenting to let your kids on to a site where they converse with complete strangers and possibly pedophiles.

I didnt say the word for a reason, kids who dont know what You-know-what is, will not know what we are talking about.

Pretend abortion isnt real? My parent taught me what abortion was when I was probably 6.

EDIT: This is a board for talking about anything. I dont know if this is your first forum, but on some game based forums almost every thread is a debate. Check out travian forum (the US and UK version). Every thread in off topic is pretty much a debate.

Point me to the rules I'm breaking please. Dont make untrue accusations
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Passionate Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:10 pm

but the entire point is you might post this on previous forums but please not on ours
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:20 pm

I was afraid of posting something inappropriate here so I asked abby first. Did you even read the first sentence of my last post?

"I asked Abby about it and she said a debate about abortion is fine."
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Junior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:21 pm

Spy-der wrote:
I asked Abby about it and she said a debate about abortion is fine.

Honestly, kids who dont know what You-know-what is, should not be forumming or going on any chat sites. You get exposed to a lot on the internet and it's irresponsible parenting to let your kids on to a site where they converse with complete strangers and possibly pedophiles.

I didnt say the word for a reason, kids who dont know what You-know-what is, will not know what we are talking about.

Pretend abortion isnt real? My parent taught me what abortion was when I was probably 6.

EDIT: This is a board for talking about anything. I dont know if this is your first forum, but on some game based forums almost every thread is a debate. Check out travian forum (the US and UK version). Every thread in off topic is pretty much a debate.

Point me to the rules I'm breaking please. Dont make untrue accusations

Her name is ABBEY, first off.

I've been with this forum for three years. I've been on others, too, however. Either way.
You are breaking the inappropriate rule, as I see. I'm not acting as a mod, just warning you. There's some kids here who shouldn't be seeing these things or know what they are.
I believe Abbey's going to take it from here.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:28 pm

... That first comment is just unnecessary really.

The inappropriate rule is about language. No cursing. There is nothing in the rules about what I'm saying being inappropriate. You're opinion is not the rules, so please stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

And you guys are acting as mods. A mod said this thread is okay. You trying to tell me I'm wrong when a mod has said that it's fine is backseat modding. Please bring it up with a mod and stop spamming this thread.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:30 pm

I wasn't really expecting this discussion to be like sexual but I guess it is abortion so. XD Like, try not to talk about rape or condoms, theres kids as young as 8 here and like it'd be bad if they asked their parent "WHAT'S RAPE"? It's a bit hard to have a discussion about abortion without talking about that, but yeah, just like..try not to talk about it too much. XD

I think abortion is wrong if you are doing it for the sole purpose that you just don't want the baby and conceived it on accident.
The possible exceptions are -
The mother and baby dying during birth,
If you absolutely cannot support the baby and it will have a crappy life and grow up in poverty,
I think if you can make sure the baby has a place to sleep, and you can feed it, have it. I mean, I'm mostly pro-life but like, those are some exceptions.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:41 pm

I don't think she's breaking the rules, but I do think that actually saying the name of the protection was a little too insensitive and not age-appropriate.

Last edited by Bbydoll on Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 2:59 pm

@Abbey: Those are issues that are brought up in any debate about abortion. I'll try not to talk about it or at least be more vague about certain things but it will probably happen at some point.

@Bbydoll: Any family stupid enough to get pregnant when they cant support a child should not have the decision to abort a child.

Which is why small children should not be allowed to go on chat sites or forums with strangers. My parents forbid me from going on maplestory when I was 11. I get your point, but really if you think these is the worst things these kids will hear from strangers over the internet you're wrong. I'll try to be a little more careful, but I think you guys are overreacting a little. Im sure some of these kids have seen Rebecca Black's "Friday" video. The stuff they see in the comments of that video are way worse than the contents of this thread.

By the way, I'm a he.

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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 3:18 pm

Whoa, Spy-der. You should become a lawyer; nice counter-attacks lol.

Hrm. I, myself, am against abortion. But when it comes to threaten another person's life, such as the mother, I would say it's justified, IF AND ONLY IF the mother/family is okay with it or they think it's what's best.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 6:07 pm

Such A touchy subject...

Well I believe that in some cases it might be alright. I mean if a 13-15 year-old girl gets pregnant because she was foolish then I think I'd be okay with her having an abortion. Even if it was out of complete stupidity one that young can be risking her life and her future, not to forget people will never see her as the same way. It would be a great burden and might be quite depressing for the girl and her family. Also in the case of -insert word here- I find it okay. That child was forced upon the girl in a way and she might not be able to handle the emotional stress of looking at a child that she knows she will have to explain about the child's negative conception.

Now I also believe it's not okay. If a medium to upper class woman becomes pregnant and just simply does not want the child for no reason what-so-ever It seems quite unfair to the unborn.

All-inall it depends on the situation. Due to beliefs I find it fine. Everything is meant to happen for a reason and all of it is for the mother to grow and learn. If an abortion is what is necessary then it will happen. But that's not to say that we should shun those who decided to through with it. (due to personal experiences with family and friends) Those people normally will regret their choice and always keep a what-if question sometimes leading to depression.

Oh and lastly, though giving them up for adoption is seemingly okay it can still cost money and there is no guarantee that the child can be whisked off ASAP. Do I believe it's a better solution? Yes for the most part.

That was just my opinion on the subject.

@Spy-der to your last reply, So you are saying that if the soon-to-be parents are completely unable to care for the child properly they should still keep the baby? Because of one mistake in their lives they are about to let a child live in a possible heck-hole and destroy their lives as well? Also the fact that you said they should not "have a decision" would infringe on ones personal freedoms. Taking away that decision means you are oppressing ones own choices and thoughts etc. Those are a few of the most important things a human should live with and taking it away is not how one should correct problems in my opinion. (Though I'm sure it has happened multiple times in the past)
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 6:13 pm

I am against it. What reason do we have to harm any living thing? We can't take care of it? If, so then just put it up for adoption.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 8:08 pm

@Aurora: I think I meant to say this earlier but I didnt. Abortion and birth control are really the cause of premarital *insert word*. People dont learn responsibility anymore. It's circular reasoning really. People have pre marital *insert word* because they think it's consequence free with a simple abortion. And the reason people want abortions is because they had a baby they couldnt support.

Back before these things existed people were much more responsible because there were actually consequences.

I understand some people dont have the same opinions as myself, but I think that every fetus is a child. Even before it is living, if it is going to turn into a human, treat it like a human.

I think that if you are for abortion, you need to be for it all the time, or none of the time. Why does it matter how a fetus came to be? How ever it did, it is always going to turn into a human being.

Adoption doesnt guarantee anything of course. It's better than being in crappy living conditions though. I know some foster kids who are extremely happy. You dont know what will happen to someone or something if they dont exist though.

I didnt say that, I said that if parents cant support their child, there are foster homes. I dont want to subject any child do living in a crap hole.

A big debate about abortion is when or whether a fetus has rights, and that really comes down to morals. However, if they do, than aborting it without it's consent would be infringing on its rights. Also, abortions arent natural. They werent intended by nature and didnt exist a hundred years ago. Whether an abortion is a person's right is what the whole debate is about. It has not been decided whether it is or not.

@Owl: I think that's supposed to be a compliment lol. In that case, thanks. Most lawyers are total donkeys though. tongue
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 8:16 pm

okie so um i kinda agree and kinda not so um yea even if your 8 or 9 your gonna learn it at SOME point in your life (like when your 10 or 12) so i guess it's the parents choice or the pregnancy if something is wrong and it could damage the mother mentally or psychically i guess they could go for an abortion but if your young like 15 or 16 then i guess you could try but yes it's there choice or you don't have to in my opinion i don't think they should ban it since people (the mother) do have the right whether to keep the baby or not it's part of the law isn't it?
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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 8:19 pm

What bliss [owl] said.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 8:38 pm

@Spy-der now that is something I can agree with. There is no guaranteed protection from those things. When it comes to the pill, no one is exactly the same in genetic make-up everyone will react to those things differently, and well condoms can break. I do agree that they probably do have some reason to bring up teen pregnancies and abortions for everyone.

I still stand by my opinion and beliefs, but I can see where you're coming from.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 8:53 pm

I already know it all. Pfft I'm like 9 I SHOULD BE KNOWING THIS ALREADY >u>
I mean If a woman gets held by a pedobear, I find it okay. I don't really care. But if it's a 30 year old woman who does it every night, no. I mean, mang, care about your child. It's your fault you had him/her and like, geez.

Weird topic though.
Seriously bro there is kids on here
But barely any
So ok.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 9:10 pm

I don't mean to be rude to this topic and all... but this really isn't necessary. :/ Lulz, I don't really care if you ignore this message, but people have the right to abort their child, but that's just killing a life for your own sake. And I bet most people here are like nine, and are wondering, "Why is there an Abortion topic on here?" ;P Just saying, bros.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 9:34 pm

@Aurora: I can respect that.

@Pokeranger: Really? Because most people in this topic are against abortion, and everyone is against abortion except for extreme cases besides yourself.

What I dont get at all, is how you admit that a fetus is a life and saying that women have the right to KILL them. What you're saying is kind of the definition of murder. I thought you would say something a long the lines of "The fetus isnt a life" but you are actually admitting it's a life. That's sick to be honest. Do you believe in killing babies? Do you believe in women having an abortion the day before the baby is born?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitimeSun Sep 18, 2011 9:44 pm

Spy-der wrote:
@Aurora: I can respect that.

@Pokeranger: Really? Because most people in this topic are against abortion, and everyone is against abortion except for extreme cases besides yourself.

What I dont get at all, is how you admit that a fetus is a life and saying that women have the right to KILL them. What you're saying is kind of the definition of murder. I thought you would say something a long the lines of "The fetus isnt a life" but you are actually admitting it's a life. That's sick to be honest.

I am against abortion, but we can't stop that. :/ We're only kids, and the rule of being against abortion might be taken against or something in the future. I do find it sick and cruel to just kill a life that hasn't really opened his or her eyes, or didn't even take its first steps. :/ I'd be happy if abortion wasn't allowed. But for now, they have the right, but they can place them in orphanages.

And if you knew me better, you would know what I mean. :/ Lulz, I can't believe you think I take abortion so free.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate: Abortion   Debate: Abortion Icon_minitime

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