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 Alone A big story about me right now september 20th

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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 6:10 pm

Friends: i met my friends on a soccer team we are the lady lions. all my friends are awesome. but i feel like i got to be funny around them. i feel like i don't get notice. i have bff who has been there since i was 3 and bffs ever since but i don't trust her with secrets , like i told her one but she said it out loud and i was embarrassed. so i am confused. me and my bff keep fantage a secret so just us can play too. so should i stick with my bff and some of her friends or with my real friends who i try to impress?

Boyfriends: i am probably the only girl out of my friend group who hasnt had a boyfriend. i want one but all my friends took over them and i get scared to ask to what if they say no? well i have no one to ask because the boy i like said no to my friend andrea when she asked and they dated before and she broke up with him, then she asked again like last week( they first dated in 2011 in may ) i want to ask him but is that rude?
She i ask him? or dont your not ready ?

Phone: how do i get boys numbers not like dating numbers but texting numbers just to talk but it is weird because some of them they dont really know me but i know them but i get to shy to ask people. Should i ask them and suck it up? or no it would be weird

Shyness: how do i get over to be shy i hate it but i get butterflys and shake and get red?

Sports: i want to quit soccer because i die when they run us its like 5 football fields. but my dad freaks out and screams and says no you cant quit all you do is quit. i want to do ballet and gyamatics and jazz but he says still got to do soccer. what should i do?


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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 9:37 pm

With the fantage thing, it depends on the group you are around. Do you think they will make fun of you for playing a childrens game or no?

As for parents: I've never been in this position so I dont want to give you bad advice, but in my opinion, you should talk to them. Hopefully try to get them to work it out

Boyfriends: You sound like a 10 year old from that post. I might be judging wrong, but that's just how it appears. I suggest you definitely not get a boyfriend. Dating is just ridiculous at a young age. Dont let your friends peer pressure you into getting a boyfriend.

Sports: I would not quit soccer. Every sport is physically demanding at a certain level. If you think running 5 lengths of a football field is hard try pushing a sled with 6 45 pound plates across 400 meters like I did earlier in training. It's gonna get easier. Just stick with it. I was literally throwing up when I first started weight training, if you give up it will never get easier. Your dad is right. I was a piano "prodigy" when I was younger. I stopped, and decided to start back up years later and it has been a major pain trying to get up to the level I should be at.

I obviously dont know how your dad is, but to me it looks like he's looking out for your best interest. You could have worse parents, trust me. I could probably have my mom arrested for mental abuse for some of the things she's screamed at me just over the past couple days. You eventually become desensitized to the name calling and insults (assuming thats what you cry about)
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:15 pm

Well, my mom tells me to choose my friends wisely. If you need to impress someone just to keep them around that's just stupid. Don't get me wrong, I love to make people laugh, but that's not why they love me. Ahh...parents. Have a group talk. You want to know why this is happening. Don't be afraid. They're your parents. You want a boyfriend...? If that's what you want fine. But I don't suggest it. If you want to quit why did you join in the first place. I bet you're really good, and I also think that the people on your team need you. Everyone has a part to play. Make a goal. Your dad. Okay, I know he may yell at you but that's for your sake. What may be bothering him is the constant fighting. Just be honest.

I don't know what else to say. :] Good luck.
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:42 pm

From my perspective, here's what I think you should do.

Friends: First of all, you should NEVER have to IMPRESS your friends. If they were your real friends you wouldn't need to impress them; They should love you for you they got to know which should be the real you! And later in life, it's sad to say it but, people change and your friends right now might not be your friends later on. You'll find out who are your real friends. Remember it doesn't matter how long they've been with you; what matters is how much they care for you.
"Quality not Quantity." & "The people who mind don't matter. The people who matter don't mind" Keep those two quotes in mind.

Parents: Honestly I don't really know because I have never been in this situation but it seems very common in my area. You could be worried I guess or you could not? But whatever the outcome is, it is your parents' decision.

Boyfriends: Please do not worry about relationships. I'm fifteen and only had one boyfriend my whole life. There are others who are older than me that I know of and have never been in a relationship and they seem like one of the more successful in academics and in life. Honestly, relationships should be about love and we are all too young to know about love. In order to love someone else, we must first learn to love ourselves. Keep that in mind. Just because your friends have boyfriends doesn't mean you have to follow the trend.

Phone: Well this depends on who you are asking. If the guy you are asking is your friend then go ahead and ask! Make sure you have confidence in yourself and don't act all flustered or else it can seem like you want their numbers for dating purposes. Just act casual and confident.

Shyness: I am also SUPERRR shy. But all you need to do is figure out why you are shy. Are you insecure? Do you have enough confidence in yourself? Always smile and tell yourself it's not a big deal. Push yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while to build your social skills and confidence; This will help you expand your social circle.

Sports: In my opinion, this should be your choice, not your dad's. But if you only want to quit soccer because of the amount of running they do, I think you shouldn't. If you want to quit you should have legit reasons like you don't enjoy it. Why continue something if you don't enjoy it, especially when you have other things in mind? If you don't enjoy soccer and want to do ballet, gymnastics and jazz, you should go for it. But you should dedicate yourself to it. Your father should support what you want to do.

Dad: My dad used to be like this too when I was younger. I would remember one day I was crying and say "Daddy, you're hurting my feelings..." and he replied "I don't care about your feelings." I honestly think it scarred me. I advise that when he yells at you always talk in a calm voice and tell him to calm down. Never run away. Whatever he has to say, let him say it and accept his lecture. Leave him for a bit to let him cool off.

I'm here for you! If you'd like to talk more about it privately I will be glad to. (:
I'm all ears and love listening and advising.
Much love. ♥
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:48 pm

Crownie wrote:
From my perspective, here's what I think you should do.

Friends: First of all, you should NEVER have to IMPRESS your friends. If they were your real friends you wouldn't need to impress them; They should love you for you they got to know which should be the real you! And later in life, it's sad to say it but, people change and your friends right now might not be your friends later on. You'll find out who are your real friends. Remember it doesn't matter how long they've been with you; what matters is how much they care for you.
"Quality not Quantity." & "The people who mind don't matter. The people who matter don't mind" Keep those two quotes in mind.

Parents: Honestly I don't really know because I have never been in this situation but it seems very common in my area. You could be worried I guess or you could not? But whatever the outcome is, it is your parents' decision.

Boyfriends: Please do not worry about relationships. I'm fifteen and only had one boyfriend my whole life. There are others who are older than me that I know of and have never been in a relationship and they seem like one of the more successful in academics and in life. Honestly, relationships should be about love and we are all too young to know about love. In order to love someone else, we must first learn to love ourselves. Keep that in mind. Just because your friends have boyfriends doesn't mean you have to follow the trend.

Phone: Well this depends on who you are asking. If the guy you are asking is your friend then go ahead and ask! Make sure you have confidence in yourself and don't act all flustered or else it can seem like you want their numbers for dating purposes. Just act casual and confident.

Shyness: I am also SUPERRR shy. But all you need to do is figure out why you are shy. Are you insecure? Do you have enough confidence in yourself? Always smile and tell yourself it's not a big deal. Push yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while to build your social skills and confidence; This will help you expand your social circle.

Sports: In my opinion, this should be your choice, not your dad's. But if you only want to quit soccer because of the amount of running they do, I think you shouldn't. If you want to quit you should have legit reasons like you don't enjoy it. Why continue something if you don't enjoy it, especially when you have other things in mind? If you don't enjoy soccer and want to do ballet, gymnastics and jazz, you should go for it. But you should dedicate yourself to it. Your father should support what you want to do.

Dad: My dad used to be like this too when I was younger. I would remember one day I was crying and say "Daddy, you're hurting my feelings..." and he replied "I don't care about your feelings." I honestly think it scarred me. I advise that when he yells at you always talk in a calm voice and tell him to calm down. Never run away. Whatever he has to say, let him say it and accept his lecture. Leave him for a bit to let him cool off.

I'm here for you! If you'd like to talk more about it privately I will be glad to. (:
I'm all ears and love listening and advising.
Much love. ♥

Y'know? You give liek awesome advice. That will help in the future. :]
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:52 pm

@Penny - Thank you! One of my future dream careers is a councilor or a therapist xD
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 10:54 pm

^^You're going to be a successful one. :]
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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeTue Sep 20, 2011 11:32 pm

Friends; Girl, you're so lucky. Never try to impress others; you're not here to please each and everyone. And don't feel embarassed. A character in this book I was reading taught me that you shouldn't give a flying crap what others think about you. As previously mentioned, you're not here to please anyone but yourself.
Parents; That's happened to me too. It'll be alright<3
Boyfriends; Don't worry, someone perfect will eventually come along. c: You should focus on school first. [Grades come first~]
Phone; Well, your friends will start to hang out with boys, and you can get "comfortable" with them.Then you could ask for their numer in a "friendly" way. That's what I do[x
Shyness; AHHAHAAA same here. Except I turn pale. ._. Honestly, I can't help you with this.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 4:35 pm

thank you all everything has gotten better with the family. and crownie thank you for your support. i may sound young but not 10. do you think i sound weird?
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 4:56 pm

Friends:Hun, if you have to impress them to get noticed they aren't real friends. You aren't here to prove you're self or please anyone. If they don't like you because of that then They don't know what they are missing. Just be yourself and if your such good friends with the other girl why bother loosening the ties with her? Unless she is somehow hurting your experience on earth you should stick with her.

Parents:Seeing as I don't really have those time of things occurring with my parents I can't really help. My best suggestion? Taking some stress off the both of them. Do some chores help out maybe stay out of their way at times. Tell them you love them, show your affection to and for the both of them.

Boyfriends: Even though I'm a freshie in high school and am 14 I have not ever had a boyfriend nor have I asked a guy out. Sure I've been asked out before but I reject them because I can't date 'till 16 lol. In my opinion it isn't rude to ask him out of course if you do be ready for some drama from this other girl.

Phone: Again with what I had said before... also I don't have a cellphone... you must be thinking I live in a cave XD.

Shyness: Hun, people are just naturally shy. I get the butterfly too but just keep your mind off of what might happen or that you are shy. You, and you alone, are keeping yourself back. Keep a positive mindset when talking to others. Stay focused and confident ^^

Sports: Woah woah woah. This is your life not his! If you don't like it tell him (firmly and confidently) Negotiate maybe doing something else or maybe even something else along with soccer. Compromise hun! It seems that this will not end with a win-win solution.

Dad: He doesn't have anger issues, and he isn't a meanie. Dads are normally here to protect us and lead us in the right way. It's best to let him say what needs to be said. Try not to cry he can't hurt you (though it seems like when he expels a bunch of negative energy and when it's released it's targeted at you) with words. Try and stay calm maybe even half-pay attention to him and play a song through your head. Who knows he might be just real stressed at that point in time

Sorry if I wasn't amazingly fabulous at helping... I try my best though.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 5:36 pm

thanks aurora and sorry i am new to this website and i am lost how to you add on this by the way nobody adds me tough cuz i am new. and thanks sorry for all my problems and tell me if u have stories like this i will be happy to answer
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 5:38 pm

-sigh-....GURL LISTEN!

lawl,I don't have a cellphone,I don't think I will 'till I'm 13.

Friends:Don't have to Impress friends,I barely have friends...So don't get all fidgety about ' opinion I'd rather have no friends and not deal with drama,than have TONS of drama....

parents:your parents are gonna stay together unless its to the point to where their hitting eachother

dad:hes just yelling out of love <3
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Alone A big story about me right now september 20th   Alone A big story about me right now september 20th Icon_minitimeWed Sep 21, 2011 7:07 pm

Thank you lexi
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