1. Downtown (way left, near the beach sign)
2. Downtown (between Le Shop and Stellar Salon)
3. Uptown (way right on the grass, going into downtown)
4. Uptown (on furniture shop)
5. Beach (on the shore, near the yellow beams)
6. Beach (near a palm tree, near the beach sign)
7. Carnival (Putt Putt Revolution, sitting on the gold ball)
8. Carnival (neat to the Rocket Board sign)
9. Forest (on the green grotto steps)
10. Forest (near the "How To Get Gems" sign on the grass)
11. Wizard's Domain Outside (near the yellow sunflowers)
12. Wizard's Domain Outside (far left to where a tree is, going into the Castle)
13. Creature Arena Outside (near a bush going into the shop)
14. Creature Arena Outside (near a bush between Bobo Fish and the Forest sign)
15. Mt Fantage (near a bush next to Comet & Co)
16. Mt Fantage (near Boxy near the trees)
17. Castle Bridge (near one of the guards on the right)
18. Castle Bridge (near Snowday sign far left)
19. Castle (hiding behind bench bars left side of Castle)
20. Lighthouse (in the boat)
Give credit to Sharpsul99 on blogs, forums, etc.