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 ~Ice sister~ Random person!?!

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**♥ Anni Hart♥**
Regular Fantagian
**♥ Anni Hart♥**

Posts : 246
Join date : 2011-10-14
Age : 72
Location : You like krabby patties dont you squidward

~Ice sister~   Random person!?! Empty
PostSubject: ~Ice sister~ Random person!?!   ~Ice sister~   Random person!?! Icon_minitimeTue Oct 18, 2011 6:56 pm

I went home as quickly as I could,I knocked on my sister's door and she answered " What do you want? " she said she was my biggest and knew almost EVERYTHING. I told her all about what had happened at the park, when I was finished she rubbed her chin and said "Hm.. I can help we will need some help from my friends though." I replied " Thanks sis!" I hugged her tightly, she said " O.k O.K stop hugging lets go to, Kayla's house and Nicole's house." We told mom and dad what happened at the park. They finally said " Alright don't be home late." " O.K." I said firmly. We grabbed our bikes and rode down to Kayla's house. I thought about what happened and in my mind I thought about bad luck " Do I have bud luck? " I thought. Then I heard bikes screech. " Alright Alexia I'M SORRY but Kayla is sick today I called her and she was sick her mom said." I felt a frozen feeling inside. Frowning I said " O.K what about Nicole?" She answered " Sorry she is away for a cruise." " Oh I said." There was a rumbling noise.. I said " What was that?" " Oh no " she said. Just then someone sprang from the bushes!
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~Ice sister~ Random person!?!
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