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 almost dying + songs ( 11/10/11 )

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Join date : 2010-02-07
Age : 24

almost dying + songs ( 11/10/11 ) Empty
PostSubject: almost dying + songs ( 11/10/11 )   almost dying + songs ( 11/10/11 ) Icon_minitimeThu Nov 10, 2011 10:24 pm

i accidently deleted the other post so yeah lol
my sister hit me with a deli sub. ._. [ no, this isn't why i almost died, lol. ]
today was pretty fun. we played the confession game at lunch, & omar asked me when did i like him. i told him, fourth grade, and he was like, "I THOUGHT YOU HATED ME!" because i kept on hitting him and pinching him and stuff. lol.

after that, omg, after that was terribble. omar & chris took my arms and were like, "let's go on the slide backwards." i panicked, so i was like "NO OMG ONONONONO LET GO LET ME GO NOW" and stuffs, & when they tried to bring me up onto the playground stairs, they couldn't take me up because i was pushing the stairs away from me with my foot & stuffs. omar & chris had to go behind me and try to push me, then omar wrapped his arms around me & lifted me up the steps. i was like hugging the poles & stuff and like, "HELP ME! STRANGER DANGER!" oh god it was so scary though. i was holding onto the pole in front of the slide, & chris was pushing me, omar was pulling, and they tried to loosen my grip on the poles and stuff oololol

i fell on omar; like right on top of him. he was still pulling, chris was taking my fingers off of the handles. omar was like, "why won't you go on the slide backwards? are you scared?" i replied, "no, i'm not going down 'cause i'm not stupid like you." i was about to bite omar. forreals. but i couldn't cause chris kept on pulling me down. when they finally got me on the slide, i only went down halfway backwards, then moved my legs to the front. i got so pissed; when omar & chris came down, i was like, "get your fudging arses over here." and started chasing omar & stuffs. we went onto the playground again. i went to chris & started pinching his cheek super hard. he was like, "ow, ow, ow, ow. omar omar omar!" when omar turned around, he started pinching my cheeks too, and i took his cheek, and started to twist it and they started screaming. the whistle blew after that, & we all went down the slide one by one. rocky was being stupid & blocked the slide, so i crashed into chris & omar, marie & cicely crashed into me, and yeah. it was pretty fun though, but they hurt my leg. :c


i'm adding more songs onto my phone
bleh, hard work.
SO, cicely came over today. we were playing just dance & everythang.
i'm gonna go write & draw now.
& type my story onto the type writer. so yeah.
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almost dying + songs ( 11/10/11 )
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