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 Maybe bye

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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 8:30 pm

Maybe bye well today i was thinking about u guys and i remember that day on chat It was just gross..... and inaproppiate o_o ill be on a little but not always only to post me epic stories o_o fantage is a kids game where we try not to say that kind of things why cant fantage be one too? THEN alter i saw something even more o_o

Im dissapointed... u can see me in toontown Cha cha slide ROBLOX fran833 wizard 101 Tasha nightrider
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Loyal Fantagian

Posts : 1929
Join date : 2011-10-28

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PostSubject: Re: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 8:44 pm

I sometimes get annoyed by inappropiate chatting too, but I think that it's important to remember that, because people tend to get excited and spaz out while on Tinychat, they may say things that they wouldn't at another time when they are more calm.

Please stay though... Sad
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 9:18 pm

ashsal833 wrote:
Maybe bye well today i was thinking about u guys and i remember that day on chat It was just gross..... and inaproppiate o_o ill be on a little but not always only to post me epic stories o_o fantage is a kids game where we try not to say that kind of things why cant fantage be one too? THEN alter i saw something even more o_o

What happens on tinychat has nothing to do with the forum. Its a completely different site. I mean, we're teenagers bro. We're gonna say 'inappropriate' stuff if we arent monitored. Especially on the internet.

I'm not gonna stop you from leaving, that's yoor choice of course. I'm guessing you created this thread so that people would say, "Oh dont go" and then, you'd say, "OK, I'm so loved. I'll stay"

I'm not one of those people. I'm not gonna spout a load of crap to make you feel better. Go if you want, stay if you want. Dont make threads solely to get attention though.
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Hero Fantagian

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Join date : 2010-07-20

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PostSubject: Re: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 9:24 pm

ashsal833 wrote:
Maybe bye well today i was thinking about u guys and i remember that day on chat It was just gross..... and inaproppiate o_o ill be on a little but not always only to post me epic stories o_o fantage is a kids game where we try not to say that kind of things why cant fantage be one too? THEN alter i saw something even more o_o

Im dissapointed... u can see me in toontown Cha cha slide ROBLOX fran833 wizard 101 Tasha nightrider

It's tinychat. It has it's own different rules and regulations.
And nothing to do with this forum.
So there's no point in being over-reacty and having to quit, but it's your choice
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Passionate Fantagian

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Join date : 2010-09-16
Age : 26
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PostSubject: Re: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitimeThu Nov 17, 2011 10:55 pm

If you don't like what people say on TC, then don't go on. We're civilized enough on here. Tinychat is where we let out our hormones and stuff. We're teenagers. We're allowed to say what we want on there. So back off. Now...
Listen, kid. I'm going to be as polite as I can about this.
I Don't Care About What I Say On Tinychat. I Especially Don't Care About What YOU Have To Say About It. I Will Be Who I Want To Be. And If You Decide To Quit, It's Not My Fault. It's No One's Fault But Yours.

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PostSubject: Re: Maybe bye   Maybe bye Icon_minitime

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