You open the package and see a gray puppy. You smile and read the card: Happy bir7hday Sora! We've been friends for a long 7ime! I remember all the crazy 7hings you did. O WAI7 I go77a go Bye!
[ Danielle ] You run to your room and get on your computer right away! You see disortedQuadrocepts online! You're going to thank her right away!
EctoSkull began pestering distortedQuadrocepts
DQ: did you ge7 7he Gif7?
ES: Thank you so MUCH I COULD HUG YO!!
DQ: hehehe Your welcome :]
TanaZee began trolling EctoSkull
ES: Hang on someone is trolling me..
DQ: Okay Bye?
ES: What do you want?
TZ: I s33 y0ur In D4ng3r
ES: Huh?
TZ: H3H3H3H3 Y0u D0 n0t und3rstand >;]
ES: Can you explain?
TZ: 0K Y0ur In GR4V3 D4ng3r S0m30n3 IS G0ING 7O INV4D3 Y0UR H0USE.
ES: Your full of lies
TZ: W4I7 D0N'7 8L0CK M3
EctoSkull blocked TanaZee
ES: O.k I'm back
DQ: That was fast!
ES: I know I was lucky
DQ: I have to go!
ES: Okay bye talk to you later c:!
distortedQuadrocepts has logged out
Finally time to relax!
You go take a nap for a while. ZzZzzZz
Sorry it ended so short! I can't think of anything! [ Note to Ani On ACT 1 PART 4 The story will be focused on you! By the way. What is your weapon? Example: Knifekind Hammerkind]