I'm being a creep & stalking Omar's fb. [;
I WANT SOME NUTELLA. FORREALS. I had some earlier 'cus I was pissed at Spydur~ :3
I'm spending the night with my little brother & older sisters at my grandma's house the day before Thanksgiving to prepare the food and everything. I'm excited. Plus, I get to see my little evil cousin Madeline~ :D
She's gonna be annoying. -.-
I'm not sure if I can bring my laptop along, but if I can't, I'll let you know. c:
I'm thinking of continuing Suu~Itoburizu. Some people, *coughcoughcoughitycoughcough*mayanm & melody*coughcoughcoughitycoughcoughbarf* wanted me to continue & yeah. If I decide to, I'm gonna post the characters first, then continue where I left off, which was Chapter Four. c: