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Hero Fantagian

Posts : 6776
Join date : 2010-11-30
Age : 27
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♪11/21/11♪ Empty
PostSubject: ♪11/21/11♪   ♪11/21/11♪ Icon_minitimeMon Nov 21, 2011 4:34 pm

Herro everybody C:

Today was an easy day. My cousins came over and the best part was my uncle, who is a geologist and knows I want to be a geologist, gave me copper. REAL LIKE RIGHT OF THE GROUND COPPER! It's all so cool.

I didn't have to go to school because roads were blocked off due to heavy fog. Free day C:

Lastly I worked on my story some more. I think I will actually roll with this one. How many zombie books are out there? Like none. I might actually turn this into something. Of course the last few times I've said that I ended up losing my feel to it. My imagination paused and I was thrown into writer's block, ending up scratching the idea's and moving on.

So hoping everyone else had a wonder ful day ^^
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