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 Turkey Trot Day! [11/23/11]

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Hero Fantagian

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Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 25

Turkey Trot Day! [11/23/11] Empty
PostSubject: Turkey Trot Day! [11/23/11]   Turkey Trot Day! [11/23/11] Icon_minitimeWed Nov 23, 2011 11:05 am

As I promised, I said I would tell you guys all about the Turkey Trot when I get home. This is the perfect time to tell!

It was going to be outdoors, but it had to be indoors because of the rain. It was a walk around the school hallways. Some people wore turkey costumes. My friend was one of them. She also wore a beak she made out of paper. I touched her "beak" and she said,"Don't touch.The beak."

I made a paper Turkey Crown that I could wear during the Turkey Trot. It was a thin strip of brown paper with paper feathers and some of the feathers have ribbon string on them. I might even put pictures up of the crown... if I can find my camera that is cluttered in my room!

The Turkey Trot started at around 10:20 and ended at 11:00. It was going to be 2 laps, but we had to do 3 laps instead. I was getting tired at the third lap, but I kept going.

It was a lot of fun! You should of been there!
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Turkey Trot Day! [11/23/11]
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