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 Staight A's diaster 12-1-11

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Expert Fantagian

Posts : 2017
Join date : 2011-09-01

Staight A's diaster 12-1-11 Empty
PostSubject: Staight A's diaster 12-1-11   Staight A's diaster 12-1-11 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2011 4:59 pm

Well today we got report cards. i got straight A's in all 8 classes. someone made fun of me for being a nerd, i dont know why, but i guess for having A's. We had a assembly, it was boring. We went to my Favorite restaurant Olive Garden. I got the Five Cheese Ziti , it is really good. I got to pik something out, it was new color pencils because there nubs. I went to the bungy jumping place, going to do that on 12-17-11. I went to Forever 21 and got 6 new shirts and 3 new pants and 3 new shoes for next week. i saw the guy who bullied me on the sidewalk ( i was walking to the library). he told me i looked weird. but i ignored him. In school we are learning about Egyptians farao it is boring, we just learned about the nile river. so yeah
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Loyal Fantagian

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Join date : 2011-06-30
Age : 26
Location : Lala Land :)

Staight A's diaster 12-1-11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staight A's diaster 12-1-11   Staight A's diaster 12-1-11 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2011 5:03 pm

Congratulations on the straight A's!
And good for you for ignoring that person. I woulda jumped on him and wrestled him and tied him in a knot or something.
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Staight A's diaster 12-1-11
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