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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 8:30 pm

I noticed that not much has been happening lately, and I'm bored so...

What do people consider "noobish" behaviour?

I'm curious about this, because everyone seems to have a different opinion, and since no-one wants to shunned or disliked, this may benefit new people as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 10:11 pm

Well, this is actually a pretty good debate.

What I would consider 'noobish' behavior on a forum, it's pretty much when ppl tlk lyk dis nd use a hole bunch of smileys!111 alien
But if you're talking about noobs on games, that would probably be the times when they're like, "hi bb wnna b my bf???" because it's just plain stupid.

But I don't judge noobs. Honestly, it's not a big deal. As long as they DON'T bother me, they're not in deep fudge. I don't straight out call them aa noob, because I've never even met them.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 11:06 pm

Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 11:18 pm

Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything :P Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

This is how it is to me..

Newbs, nubs, and noobs.

Newb = Someone new
Noob = Some who doesn't know what they're doing
Nub = Both someone new and someone who doesn't know what they're doing

Please..correct me if I'm wrong...
da kind dat tlks wit like 2342 smileys and like dis r nubs or noobs cuz it depends if dey r new or nwt
da kind dat ask ppl 2 be deir bf and tlk lyk dis r nubs 2 i think

I can't think of any more situations, so...

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 06, 2011 11:31 pm

Mr.Taost wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

This is how it is to me..

Newbs, nubs, and noobs.

Newb = Someone new
Noob = Some who doesn't know what they're doing
Nub = Both someone new and someone who doesn't know what they're doing

Please..correct me if I'm wrong...
da kind dat tlks wit like 2342 smileys and like dis r nubs or noobs cuz it depends if dey r new or nwt
da kind dat ask ppl 2 be deir bf and tlk lyk dis r nubs 2 i think

I can't think of any more situations, so...


Newb, noob, and nub are all synonyms. I wasn't aware there was a difference between the 3, it's just different spelling..
A noob isn't a person who types stupidly, a noob is someone who actually acts like one. Imo acting like a noob is coming and acting like you know everything and just act like a general tool.
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 12:18 am

Abbey wrote:
Mr.Taost wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything :P Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

This is how it is to me..

Newbs, nubs, and noobs.

Newb = Someone new
Noob = Some who doesn't know what they're doing
Nub = Both someone new and someone who doesn't know what they're doing

Please..correct me if I'm wrong...
da kind dat tlks wit like 2342 smileys and like dis r nubs or noobs cuz it depends if dey r new or nwt
da kind dat ask ppl 2 be deir bf and tlk lyk dis r nubs 2 i think

I can't think of any more situations, so...


Newb, noob, and nub are all synonyms. I wasn't aware there was a difference between the 3, it's just different spelling..
A noob isn't a person who types stupidly, a noob is someone who actually acts like one. Imo acting like a noob is coming and acting like you know everything and just act like a general tool.

Lol. My sister (Which is actually the one you met.) said that there's different meanings. To me, a noob is someone who really doesn't know what they're doing. So yeah that's actually a noob to me..
Just like the "i kno how 2 fly" person, lol.
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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 4:16 am

Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

And especially that "prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything". It's known as ego. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 4:29 pm

-♥Aubrey♥- wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

And especially that "prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything". It's known as ego. Razz
actually, and ego is more like "hi i'm lyk super popular nd i hav a bf and i have lyk 30000000 ecoins lolz u r all jelly! Razz"

uh, to me, it's kinda like this~
newb-someone who's new, and it's forgiviable if they make a few mistakes (ex. breaking rules).
noob-someone that isn't that new, they're totally immature, and they type like this "um well u shuld read da rulz bcuz u r new and u just brok on hahah"
nub-someone that's just an idiot
[my defenitions, i doubt that they're all synonyms]
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 4:54 pm

Ani wrote:
-♥Aubrey♥- wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything :P Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

And especially that "prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything". It's known as ego. :P
actually, and ego is more like "hi i'm lyk super popular nd i hav a bf and i have lyk 30000000 ecoins lolz u r all jelly! :P"

uh, to me, it's kinda like this~
newb-someone who's new, and it's forgiviable if they make a few mistakes (ex. breaking rules).
noob-someone that isn't that new, they're totally immature, and they type like this "um well u shuld read da rulz bcuz u r new and u just brok on hahah"
nub-someone that's just an idiot
[my defenitions, i doubt that they're all synonyms]
uuuuiii y u explain so clearly
That's pretty much what I meant. :U
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 4:55 pm

noob, newb, and nub are the exact same thing. noob is the original one, but for some reason some people think it's cool to butcher the spelling and say newb or nub. idk why. :U
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 4:58 pm

I'm tired of reading this topic, as after Abbey posted, no one really had their own opinion.

There is no difference between the three words. Well there are, but not in the meaning so much.
Noob- original way to say it.
Nub- people who think they are not noobs and are the #$*@ say this.
Newb- Same as the one above, though this one is generally for people who are saying New-bie, so it refers more to the newness of a person.

But other than that there is no difference in the behaviors of the titles.

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Veteran Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 7:05 pm

One example of a "noob" to me is a user who makes 10,000 different shoppes that are all open at the same time, but never pays any attention to them. I understand taking time to update shoppes, but when a person just leaves them alone and never does anything to them, it's just plain irritating.
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 10, 2011 7:14 pm

Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

not exactly the last sentence u said there, there not called an "idiot" mbay thr too lazy to type the whole word or thy just lik spelling lik tht and belive me i am no noob and mbay ppl like usin smileys alot but u kno stuff...
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 5:43 pm

Sonic&Marvin wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

not exactly the last sentence u said there, there not called an "idiot" mbay thr too lazy to type the whole word or thy just lik spelling lik tht and belive me i am no noob and mbay ppl like usin smileys alot but u kno stuff...

"believe me i am no noob"

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 5:52 pm

annoying people
i especially hate people that think they aren't noobs and are and then when they try to parody noobs i just want to barf
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Regular Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 6:13 pm

Timegear wrote:
annoying people
i especially hate people that think they aren't noobs and are and then when they try to parody noobs i just want to barf

i couldn't agree more

and i hate when noobs make fun of other "noobs" who actually aren't noobs at all,
i.e. another user on the forum who's been there 1+ more months than they have

the number one person who did this was sharp but idk if anyone still remembers him...
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 11, 2011 6:23 pm

Noobs think they're all so great, considering the fact they think they're great and superior. Only some of them. I agree with Timey.
Abbey wrote:
"believe me i am no noob"
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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 3:49 pm

Ani wrote:
-♥Aubrey♥- wrote:
Abbey wrote:
Someone who Someone who just prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything Razz Basically, someone with a lack of "experience." They don't necessarily have to type like an illiterate buffoon, but that contributes to it.

if dy just type lik dis with 3000000 smileys then they're just called an idiot

And especially that "prances onto the forum and thinks they know everything". It's known as ego. Razz
actually, and ego is more like "hi i'm lyk super popular nd i hav a bf and i have lyk 30000000 ecoins lolz u r all jelly! Razz"

uh, to me, it's kinda like this~
newb-someone who's new, and it's forgiviable if they make a few mistakes (ex. breaking rules).
noob-someone that isn't that new, they're totally immature, and they type like this "um well u shuld read da rulz bcuz u r new and u just brok on hahah"
nub-someone that's just an idiot
[my defenitions, i doubt that they're all synonyms]

actually no an ego is your self

"Ego is a Latin word meaning "I", cognate with the Greek "Εγώ (Ego)" meaning "I", often used in English to mean the "self", "identity" or other related concepts."

i think you mean egotistical
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 12, 2011 4:14 pm

Noobish behavior? hmmmm

Well on more child friendly forums and stuff like this site, people who act ignorantly. When they double post and type like a person who's texting. People who abuse caps, and overuse the emoticons and what-not. A person who attempts to troll, and acts very much immature.

In actual mmorpg's (and no fantage isn't in this genre)

People that know nothing of the game, use blacklisted skills, do things that are established as no-no's. Their ignorance is repugnant and they are always trolled on game forums. They don't know how to handle situations, they mess up a bunch, they don't know how to use their class/race/online avatar.

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PostSubject: Re: Debate...?   Debate...? Icon_minitimeTue Dec 13, 2011 2:00 am

In my opinion:

Noobs are the ones that talk with deliberate bad spelling or so in order to act cool. They are also the ones that uses a whole bunch of smileys in a sentence. They try to act cool and use caps too much.

They are pretend they are geniuses at a game when they are probably not. They tend to show off their user a lot, saying what level you are in a while doesn't count. It means those that shows off about their levels constantly, how good they are at a game constantly, and how much they know about the game constantly.

They are the ones who teases other people and call them noobs when they might be one. They tend to pretend they are not noobs and always shows off about how much they know about the game, how pro they are at it and such.

That is all.
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