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 Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]

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Demonica Bishi
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Demonica Bishi
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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 10:40 pm

So today I woke up with a sore throat.
I also had a stuffy nose. Bleh. Anyways, one of the GOOD things that happened was that it snowed this morning. It didn't accumulate though. I'm sad. ; n ;
At church we had to play our instruments for some elderly people and I barely knew the song we were playing, plus the fact that I had warmed up an hour prior. So basically, I sucked. Then we drove back to church. I forgot my jacket at home and I had to walk home. It. Was. Freezing. I kept singing to myself in hopes that I would make it home before freezing to death.

Then I got home and decided to get on the interwebs. A few hours later, and here I am now. Also, my nose is worse now and I keep sneezing every few minutes.
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Loyal Fantagian

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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeWed Dec 07, 2011 10:44 pm

Wow...that sucks! I hope you feel better soon.

Lol I always forget my jacket...
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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 1:29 am

That happened to me once: the constant sneezing and stuffy nose. I hated it, but it eventually did go away. Sadly, now I have a constant cough. Hopefully your nose will feel better and you won't have a cough like me. Get well soon!!!! Smile
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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 6:28 am

In one second
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Loyal Fantagian

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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 10:33 am

What instrument do you play? I hope you get better.
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Demonica Bishi
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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 3:37 pm

Owl wrote:
What instrument do you play? I hope you get better.
I play the french horn. Tis pretty cool.
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Hero Fantagian

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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 4:37 pm

IchigoPanda wrote:
Owl wrote:
What instrument do you play? I hope you get better.
I play the french horn. Tis pretty cool.

eh saxophone is better ;D

But it sucks to be sick playing a wind instrument very egh

Hope chu get better though ^^
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Loyal Fantagian

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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 5:11 pm

Hope you get better soon!
I always "forget" my jacket unless its snowing or with my mom :p
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Devoted Fantagian

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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitimeThu Dec 08, 2011 5:42 pm

Hope u feel better

17 more days till christmas !! ^-^
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Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11]   Stuffy nose, sore throat, and other "fun stuff" [12/7/11] Icon_minitime

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