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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeMon Jan 30, 2012 2:10 am

so yeah it was parent-meeting day today and my mom went to my school. so when she went into my class she said my classmates called me 'bossy faeces' omfg i was so mad i aint bossy she also said i never lent my classmates stuff. WELL I DID NOW IM REALLY MAD im super pissed off. fml
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 1:53 pm

It's a tiny thing. Trust me it's no reason to get mad about.

I think it's best to just respect but your mother said but if you know you've done that maybe it's just not enough?

I'm sure it'll get better. I was very much bossy with out even knowing it at 10. You might be doing the same thing. I think you should make sure to be extra careful. Try to let others deal with the situation. Trust me people don't enjoy being bossed around and sometimes, people like you and me, will do it with out knowing.

Stay calm dude, it'll be okay ^^
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 2:29 pm

I wish I could be up till 3 am still to see you Itsbleh but my parents turned on an internet blocker :c
Anyways, I wish I understand what you posted. But 1: FML = **** My Life. 2: p*ssed.
Both are curse words, and I'd watch out because you could get an infraction.
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Devoted Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeTue Jan 31, 2012 11:14 pm

Relora wrote:
It's a tiny thing. Trust me it's no reason to get mad about.

I think it's best to just respect but your mother said but if you know you've done that maybe it's just not enough?

I'm sure it'll get better. I was very much bossy with out even knowing it at 10. You might be doing the same thing. I think you should make sure to be extra careful. Try to let others deal with the situation. Trust me people don't enjoy being bossed around and sometimes, people like you and me, will do it with out knowing.

Stay calm dude, it'll be okay ^^
your always le smart and reasonable one c;
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 2:12 pm

itsbleh wrote:
Relora wrote:
It's a tiny thing. Trust me it's no reason to get mad about.

I think it's best to just respect but your mother said but if you know you've done that maybe it's just not enough?

I'm sure it'll get better. I was very much bossy with out even knowing it at 10. You might be doing the same thing. I think you should make sure to be extra careful. Try to let others deal with the situation. Trust me people don't enjoy being bossed around and sometimes, people like you and me, will do it with out knowing.

Stay calm dude, it'll be okay ^^
your always le smart and reasonable one c;

Thank you very much ^^

I appreciate the compliment :3
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 3:16 pm

That's no reason to get mad. A lot of people get called things but it doesn't mean you have to curse about it. I get called A LOT of things. You don't see me saying that my life sucks(well sometimes I do) Just try to work it out.
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 3:23 pm

It's not cursing... but it's still too small of an issue to make such a big deal.
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Expert Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitimeWed Feb 01, 2012 3:59 pm

you gotta keep your head up oooooooh then let hair down a a aaaaa, don't be so down. being called bossy isnt no big deal. dont life get to you. (:
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PostSubject: Re: fml. [ 30/1/12 ]   fml. [ 30/1/12 ] Icon_minitime

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