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 Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)

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Hero Fantagian

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Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Empty
PostSubject: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm

Yo :3

So today was great, the fantastic band teacher Mr. A wasn't here so we worked in sectionals during Jazz it was really just boring but I got a new selmer mouth piece and I used the new tenor (which is played by Autumn durin jazz) and things just sounded mighty fine ^^

Then during 4th, which is concert band, we had more sectionals. BUT, no one but the silly clarinets and trumpets went off and did that (no offense to them but they have the worse players in those sections so they kind of needed it...) So Me the cool not mental low brass Joey (the now gay guy I used to have a crush on... we're great friends now btw) and Justin (alto sax) Sam, Morgan(This Morgan is A she)(Both trumpets) Donald (Our Gay drum major who plays flute, sax, trumpet, oboe and more) who played flute jammed out running through our concert pieces we'll be play in a few weeks.

It was fantastic, we had the gist of the parts and we sounded bootiful, we even took our pieces up to speed, and took our March, called Liberty March, piece even faster :3
We did Chantey's (I think it's our overture) like twice and at measure 161 we sounded fantastic (It's near the end too so that's good)

And finally at the end of the day I had color guard (I got in :3) and practiced the show, I still have a lot to learn but I have a basic understanding :D

So yea that was me day xD
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Dedicated Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 3:11 pm

Relora wrote:
Our Gay drum major who plays flute

Am I the only one who had bad thoughts when reading this sentence?
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Loyal Fantagian

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Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitimeWed Feb 22, 2012 4:45 pm

I'm glad that you had such an awesome day! Your band seems fun...c:
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Legendary Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 6:33 am

Sounds more fun than like... staring at walls cursing the planet! And yes, it's the 22nd.
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 8:06 am

The whole day you have[i] music??
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Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)   Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?) Icon_minitime

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Great day is great 2/22/12 (It's the 22nd right?)
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