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Hero Fantagian

Posts : 6776
Join date : 2010-11-30
Age : 27
Location : Define "Location"

YAYAYYAYAYAY 3/29/12 Empty
PostSubject: YAYAYYAYAYAY 3/29/12   YAYAYYAYAYAY 3/29/12 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2012 2:33 pm


so today was great, got my awesome sauce biology project in. going to do a rehearsal wiuth my symphonic band tomorrw, perfecting my flag twirling skills.

BUT THE BEST PART IS. Okay so I'm second tenor sax in my jazz band at my high school... I get no solos and second tenor almost always gets the most crappy parts for the songs, any who, the first tenor, she is amazing, asked if I wanted the solo for one of our songs, mamacita, I wanted to just explode. so now I can finally solo again and and and, I'm trying out for drum major and I know I probably won't be picked, but I could become co-captain of the woodwinds just for trying out.... life is great ^^

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