Posts : 1456 Join date : 2011-09-12 Age : 27 Location : Your pants
Subject: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:09 pm
This forum had some potential but because of extreme neglect and a lack of anyone caring, it has become even more of a disaster than it was when I had first joined. The fact that some people are able to overlook all the flaws and the absence of management, baffles me. I never really liked this forum from the beginning but because of the fun I had off the site, with some of the members here, I stayed. Now that there are no more, tinychat/skype meetups, there is no points in me staying.
This was bound to happen, but because of a couple people and events pushing me over the edge recently, my departure will be premature. And by that, I mean Im leaving the forum. Like right now.
If anyone wants to keep in touch I will keep checking my PM's and I may drop by every once in a while and post something, but Im going to be severely inactive on this site from now on.
Thanks for all the good times. I definitely want to keep in touch with a lot of people, so if you're someone that I know pretty well, just drop me a PM with some contact information (email, skype, etc.). So yea, cya.
Abstract Veteran Fantagian
Posts : 4563 Join date : 2010-07-14 Age : 24 Location : (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Somewhere flipping tables
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:18 pm
Ah, when I joined it was more active actually. It kind of has gone hill to me. I do hope you visit every so often or when you can Spy-der, you were a cool member. :C
Now that I think about it, it's /really/ been all about the games and graphic shops, I never hear much forumers or off-site visits as much anymore.
alex Moderator
Posts : 23507 Join date : 2010-08-10 Age : 25 Location : google maps
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:28 pm
You're right, and I'll miss you. D: It's been really inactive lately, and I'm glad that we had the oppurtunity to have our TC parties. :D
dearheart1 Senior Fantagian
Posts : 472 Join date : 2011-04-01 Age : 25 Location : ALABAMA | Tornado Land :D |
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:30 pm
See ya later Spyder. Add me on Skype. I sent you a PM.
sherley739 Passionate Fantagian
Posts : 757 Join date : 2011-07-23 Age : 26 Location : district 12, panem
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:40 pm
alhough i never really spoke to you we will miss you. Half the things you sayed are true. you have reson in leaving , so good bye.
Link Dedicated Fantagian
Posts : 1248 Join date : 2011-08-27 Location : in hell
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:01 pm
Bye Spyder.
I will miss you.
IM MELODY'S HACKER!!!! Featured User
Posts : 4132 Join date : 2011-06-01 Location : derp
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:27 pm
Bye spy-der :<
Melissa H. Dedicated Fantagian
Posts : 1447 Join date : 2011-10-26 Age : 22 Location : Oh i live somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:32 pm
bye spyder :1
Queen Veteran Fantagian
Posts : 4500 Join date : 2010-07-20 Age : 22 Location : nowhereland
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:34 pm
Bye Spy-der. :c It has been really boring since the whole forum is inactive.
S Dedicated Fantagian
Posts : 1417 Join date : 2010-02-06 Age : 19 Location : sad town
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:34 am
No Spyder! I did not give you permission to attempt a mild version of my last performance! To be honest, it just seems that you lot are following along with the flow. I doubt any of you would have mentioned the inactivity of the admins had Spyder not mentioned it. Please don't let yourselves me manipulated so easily! <3
Anyways toodles, Spyder. Mr. Cliquey man.
o Veteran Fantagian
Posts : 4270 Join date : 2011-11-11 Age : 23
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:03 am
Farewell, Spy-der. Enjoy your life outside the forum. Although, it will be sad to see you leave, since you have made a lot of wise and well thought out posts. Anyways, have a good life.
Usui Hero Fantagian
Posts : 5275 Join date : 2011-09-09 Age : 24 Location : Worldbuscus
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:05 am
Bye Spy-der I hope you could come on often.
Squirtle Ultimate Fantagian
Posts : 8791 Join date : 2011-12-04 Age : 22 Location : Somewhere
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:48 am
Bye spy-der I will miss you
Geeky_Anime_Fangirl♥ Senior Fantagian
Posts : 397 Join date : 2012-04-11 Age : 25 Location : Behind yew
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:55 am
in the video, everyone in the forum is definetly the dude. by that i mean, we all will have to be strong to let u go! bye!!!!
Abbey Former Staff
Posts : 1462 Join date : 2010-07-18 Age : 26 Location : IG @the.abbsta
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:59 am
I agree, FF is a literal crap hole at the moment, I try to do what I can but it's hard cause a lot of the other staff are inactive. Actually I should shut up because I am just as inactive.
Spyder I have your skype but you never even get on.
Wait no I don't I just checked. Cosmiclines. Add it.
Golden-Star Loyal Fantagian
Posts : 1818 Join date : 2012-01-13 Age : 111 Location : My Candy Love Academy
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:34 pm
Bye. Enjoy ur life.
Edit: I didnt know what to say to you becuz u hardly ever talked to me .c Soo enjoy the rest of your life.
ashsal833 Senior Fantagian
Posts : 292 Join date : 2011-07-04 Location : AZ
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:06 pm
Bye I never got to talk to ou that much but.... :/
v Moderator
Posts : 9590 Join date : 2010-02-07 Age : 24
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:34 pm
Have a nice life Spydur.
Oliver Moderator
Posts : 4588 Join date : 2010-03-03 Age : 24 Location : *lights up a fire* yeah, trying to surivve in a fores.t *smokse a cig* il kill you
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:29 pm
and once again because you're a liked member people aren't calling you out for making one of these topics. eh, whatever, i never really cared. bye.
Flynn Legendary Fantagian
Posts : 12278 Join date : 2012-01-14 Age : 25 Location : The gallows
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:21 pm
Goodbye, Spy-der.
Once more we have lost one of the few members that takes the time to make some sense without starting a Flame War ( I do not qualify as part of this group).
69hot_wangs69 Dedicated Fantagian
Posts : 1456 Join date : 2011-09-12 Age : 27 Location : Your pants
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:12 pm
@Oliver: There is a way to say things, without coming off as an attention hogger, jerk, smart donkey, etc.
I self-admittedly contradict myself sometimes TO A POINT. I never condemned these farewell topics necessarily. I condemn people who are look for attention, and by that I mean topics like: "Should I leave or not?" With those types of topics people look for "DONT GO" responses. This topic is a final thing. Im leaving.
And yea, I could have easily just told maybe 10 or so people through PM that I was going, but my leaving wasnt the only point of this thread. I wanted people to know that I had some good times here... it's almost a thank you. Im genuinely sad that Im leaving, but it was bound to happen sometime, and I figured I shouldnt drag it out.
So yea, since it wasnt clear in the original post, thanks for all the fun times...
A subtle message I tried to get across in the OP, was my disgust with some of the people in power on this forum. I might as well say it since Im leaving anyway. Disagreements with the staff is one of the main reasons why I have decided to leave at this particular time. And the staff's lack of action and interaction with the users is indirectly the cause of all the behavioral problems of the forum...
@S: The reason people neglected the admin's inactiveness is because of ignorance on how a good forum should be run.
I challenge you guys to go to a forum, where the admin uses his position is an actual part-time occupation (meaning they get paid) and you'll see the difference. There is so much more user interaction between the staff and the members, the mods/admins listen to people's criticism and make improvements, and there are a lot of user-interactive events. The atmosphere is also a lot better, and by that I mean rules get enforced but the users dont break the rules much anyways, the people usually have better senses of humor, and basically, the whole place really seems like a family.
I could point out a crapload of issues on this forum IN A SECOND, that are the direct or indirect cause of the admins... if you want me to.
But yes, the lot does get swayed easily. One minute they're agreeing that the admins are bad, and the next minute, "We totally had the wrong impression on the admins!!!". That's why you guys should take the initiative and expand your knowledge on your own. Dont take my word. Go visit some other forums...
Abbey Former Staff
Posts : 1462 Join date : 2010-07-18 Age : 26 Location : IG @the.abbsta
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:56 pm
Spyder, before you go blaming all of us, do you know how hard it is to moderate a nearly 5000 user forum whose main age demographic is 9-13? Many of the members are simply not mature. Quite honestly, I don't have time to moderate this forum. I still try, but I have my own life and my own things to deal with and it gets stressful. Honestly, most of the time, FF is really low on the priority list for me. Such is life. You are making it sound like all of the staff are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and are lazy pieces of scum.
The forum has been like this for longer than you know. It didn't suddenly start going downhill as a result of the current staff. This is just the fallout of bad choices and neglect. It is not just us.
You're probably thinking, "well, you can turn it around" No you cannot. It is not that easy. It would take SO LONG to pull it out of its current state, not to mention the current members tend to feel entitled, and are kind of rebellious on their own. Some people. Not all. People like to push their limits. It would be hard to get them under control. Plus, some of the people on this forum are too dang old. Myself included. The rules are really strict due to the fact this is a kids' forum, yet everyone complains about it. If you don't like it, leave. It's better you leave than not follow the rules because you "don't like them" and start trying to muddle everything up. We have had so many attempts to salvage it, actually the admins are still trying, but something serious needs to change around here if this place is ever going to be better.
It's pretty much anarchy over here sometimes.
pokeranger Hero Fantagian
Posts : 5454 Join date : 2010-01-29 Age : 25 Location : Loading...
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Tue May 01, 2012 12:32 am
This forum was actually smoothly running long before most of these users currently joine because of the maturity of people and activity. This forum's activeness went down and the moderation hasn't been that active, but I don't know what's going on anymore.
Bye, Spydur.</3
RadioGummie Dedicated Fantagian
Posts : 1416 Join date : 2010-09-08 Age : 26
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Tue May 01, 2012 12:42 am
:c no spydur nooo. With school it's been pretty hard for all of us. and nobody's really on for tc parties anymore. I'm sorry you feel that way and it has been pretty sucky here.
i crey
Owl Loyal Fantagian
Posts : 1589 Join date : 2011-02-06 Age : 27 Location : Owl City
Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog. Tue May 01, 2012 9:47 am
Goodbye, Spyder. I've always wondered... do you have an apostrophe key? You never use it...
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Subject: Re: Oh mah gawd Im such an attention whog.