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 High school crap is crappy.

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 4:37 pm

Hi guys, woah I have not posted one of these things forever. School is eating my life and such. You know the deal.

Anyway, hmmm, I need to voice my thoughts out.


I live in a small town outside a large city. The town might as well be part of the city since I end up in the city usually every day doing god knows what. All of the necessities are over there.
2 months ago I ended up moving to the city, and had an awesome time at my new school, made friends, blah blah. There is this highschool I was supposed to be going to over there with my new friends (Let's call this Highschool A.)

However, we moved back to the small town about a week ago, so I moved schools yet again. I still keep in contact with all of my friends from the school in the city.

I have 3 choices. I'd been planning to go to a different school in the city (Highschool B) for about a year now, since it's the only high school with an actual bus to my small town. A lot of people that I know are going, only 1 of my friends though.

The other highschool, Highschool C, is the local highschool. To me, it isn't an option. It isn't a good school at all.

So, I was thinking the other night, what if I decided to go to Highschool A with my friends? I thought this because I only have 1 friend going to Highschool B, and I'd really like to be with a lot of my friends in high school. As many as possible. Plus, the person I really like is going to Highschool A.

The problem is Highschool A doesn't have a bus going to it, I would get my dad to drive me downtown (he works downtown) every morning and from there I would take a city bus. Sounds pretty good. But I don't know.

So basically, tl;dr:

Highschool A: Most of my friends are going there, person I like is going there, it's a good school, but the commute (way of getting to and from) is complicated.

Highschool B: Many people I know are going there (though they aren't really my friends and I dislike some of them) but the way of getting to and from there is so easy and quicker.

Highschool C: Never happening, ever.

So what do you guys think?
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Veteran Fantagian

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 4:48 pm

I think High school A may be a better choice. Don't you have a train in your area? Or maybe take a bus to the nearest stop near High school A? High school B would be a PLENTY easier choice if the above questions don't work. You could make more friends or get to know about the people you dislike. My personal choice is High school B, but if you have any other service to go to High school A, then do High school A
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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 4:50 pm

Abstract wrote:
I think High school A may be a better choice. Don't you have a train in your area? Or maybe take a bus to the nearest stop near High school A? High school B would be a PLENTY easier choice if the above questions don't work. You could make more friends or get to know about the people you dislike. My personal choice is High school B, but if you have any other service to go to High school A, then do High school A
Nah, we don't have a train.

What I would do is just get my dad to take me downtown with him on his way to work and then take a city bus. Sooo it's not much of a stretch. But still. It's also a direct bus, I think. But there are still little parts of me that don't know what to do...
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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 5:18 pm

High school A.

You have more reasons to want to go there, unless it's too much of a hassle for your dad to drive you. In that case, high school B.
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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 5:51 pm

If forwhatever reason buses may not be available on certain days, Highschool B would be a better choice, but if there are no problems like that in your area then I would go with Highschool B. ^^;

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 5:52 pm

I Get Perfect Grades Weeee the baby talk i don't know
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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 5:52 pm

Hha i wish i was a llama lol!
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Senior Fantagian

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 6:06 pm

Do you know how far away the schools are from your house? Also, I'm new at my school and I liked making new friends. The first few years at my elementary school got boring. I mean like same people every day was just. . . It didn't interest me. But when I moved I wished I had three friends. My school is also far away. But since I think you said your dad's work was near your school you could get him to drop you off there. Then you could walk the rest of the way. Then you could also carpool with a friend or try riding the local bus.

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Ultimate Fantagian

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeWed May 02, 2012 6:08 pm

I agree with everyone who is saying you should go to high school A
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Hero Fantagian

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 2:29 pm

High-school B

Let me just say that gas prices are only going to go up higher, and if if you do know some people you do like it be a great opportunity to make friends ;3

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Hero Fantagian

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High school crap is crappy. Empty
PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitimeFri May 04, 2012 3:45 pm

I am 50-50 between High School A and High School B. The transportation for High School A may be difficult, but at least you get to see your friends and the person you like. The transportation for High School B is easier. If you wanna stick with your friends, go with High School A. If you wanna stick with easy transportation, go with High School B.

That may be a hard decision for you. If I wasn't 50-50, I would go with High School B
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PostSubject: Re: High school crap is crappy.   High school crap is crappy. Icon_minitime

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