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 Something rlly weird just happened to me!

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Junior Fantagian

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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 7:08 pm

I was on Fantage and this girl suddenly starts following me around and begging me to trade accounts with her and give her my password. After I kept telling her no, she told me if I traded with her she would tell me her password first. I told her no thanks, but she just kept following me and begging me to trade with her until I logged off. That was rlly weird, nothing like that has ever happened to me. I'm kind of creeped out now. Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_eek
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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 7:12 pm

That happened to me before. DX

There was this other member girl, and she wanted to trade accounts with me. I said no.
Ignore them. That's wut I do sometimes. XD
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Senior Fantagian

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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 7:36 pm

Most people will do this, and they'll take a picture of them saying something in their instant messager and put it in their albums saying "Please give me your _____ pass xP Thankies"

And nobody's really that stupid
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Loyal Fantagian

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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 8:38 pm

That happened to me too, but it was different.
A girl asked me to go to her house and I did, and she just said ''tell me ur pppasssssss'' I said ''No, it's special sorry'' She cried and left. Yeah it is creepy when someone does that.
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Former Staff
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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 6:24 am

Bluerivers wrote:
Most people will do this, and they'll take a picture of them saying something in their instant messager and put it in their albums saying "Please give me your _____ pass xP Thankies"

And nobody's really that stupid

If anybody read my topic about that earlier, thats what it was all about.

A girl asked if she wanted to be friends, and I said, "Uhh, sure?" and she asked me to go to her house, and I do. Then she said, "Look at my album, first picture!" And it was a picture of an IM saying, "Can I have ur fantage pass and email and password to your email?" And I say, "Uhh, I gotta go... bye?, AND, NO!"

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Dedicated Fantagian

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Something rlly weird just happened to me! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitimeTue May 04, 2010 10:46 pm

Some girl asked me for my pass and i am a nonmember! she was on level 1 though i reported her and left
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PostSubject: Re: Something rlly weird just happened to me!   Something rlly weird just happened to me! Icon_minitime

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