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 good day is good :3 6-1-12

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Hero Fantagian

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good day is good :3 6-1-12 Empty
PostSubject: good day is good :3 6-1-12   good day is good :3 6-1-12 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2012 2:49 pm

Okay so it didn't start out great. Today I was supposed to turn in a biology paper. I write it and got my dad to proof read it last night, he pretty much came to me and said:" Nice info but you have to redo the whole thing, your grammar and syntax is horrendous and you obviously didn't try." So I stayed up 'till 1 am redoing the whole thing, he thought it was much better so I feel good :3

Any who, I got to school late and hung out in the band room for first period because I knew my alg 2 class was finishing a test I was done with. Second period I have jazz band so I hung out in the band room. Took an English test in third period came back to the band room for symphonic band and hung out (there are no more concerts so we can hang out for now... I'm still waiting for next years marching show music we'll be getting it next week :3!) Ate my lunch while my friend Leah played on her laptop (she bought the sims 3! lol!). The sneiors were doing graduation practice so 4th period ended up being super long but I got to biology in 5th period turned my paper and diagrams in and took a quiz. Than I came back to the band room again for color guard class. Again I just hung out and player volley ball with a beach ball in the room xD

I have my band banquet tonight and next Friday is the last day of being a freshman!
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troller mcloller
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troller mcloller

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good day is good :3 6-1-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: good day is good :3 6-1-12   good day is good :3 6-1-12 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2012 3:21 pm

enjoy the days xPP
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Ultimate Fantagian

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good day is good :3 6-1-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: good day is good :3 6-1-12   good day is good :3 6-1-12 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2012 3:29 pm

sounds fun. At least the staying up late is over!
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good day is good :3 6-1-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: good day is good :3 6-1-12   good day is good :3 6-1-12 Icon_minitime

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good day is good :3 6-1-12
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