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 A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on

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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 11:12 am

So my story has been in-active and I just wanted to post the new chapter for it! You can find chapters 1-6 on the other pages in Creations. So here it is!

Chapter 1

In the blasing hot sun, I sat in Car-pickup waiting for my mom to pick me up from school like every other day. With the blue sky, white clouds, the shining sun, it felt luxurious, like a dream. As the workers screamed out names, I never heard mine or my sister’s. Usually my mom is one of the first people here to pick up me and my twin sister, but not today.

I was looking around for my mom, starting to get a bit worried. I peered around to see my friend, Katie going into a car neither I nor my sister recognized. Suspiciously, Miranda, my twin sister and I started looking closer. I reached into my backpack, and grabbed my binoculars out, and started looking at the driver and Katie’s sister in the car. The reason I had binoculars, was that we were doing a project in Science with nature, and I remembered that I had them. As I was staring at the driver, I noticed a huge scar on the driver’s neck. I then knew, that that was a kidnapper, and my best friend was being tricked.

“KATIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” I screamed, even though I knew she couldn’t hear me when she was in a car. Doing that just made me feel more powerful, and more braver, even though it did nothing.
Literally seconds later, Katie’s real mom came up to me and asked me, “Hey Niaomi, do you know where Katie is?” I was shocked. My brain was puzzled, and thoughts ran through it as if my brain was a running track. I wanted to tell her that Katie was being kidnapped, but I would have been irresponsible for not telling her sooner. Should I? I don’t know what to do! I thought.
“I uhh… Don’t know ma’am.” I managed to sputter out.
As Katie’s mom shook me oddly, she asked me, “Are you sure?!?! Think Niaomi! Think! Where did you last see her?”
Katie’s mom was very protective for Katie, but sometimes it is really annoying. My brain was about to explode. I was in a terrible situation, and luckily for her, Miranda was going and getting her homework that she forgot in her class, so she got to miss this whole conversation.
“Katie got kidnapped!” I bolted out so fast that I didn’t even recognize what I said.
“What? I can’t understand you!” Ugh, why does telling her have to be so hard! I wondered.
“Katie--got--kidnapped.” I said the words one by one.
“WHAT!?” Screamed Mrs. Turner.

Chapter 2

“TIME TO WAKE UP NIAOMI AND MIRANDA OR ELSE YOU’LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” Screamed my mom. “Huh huh hh” I gasped and breathed deeply. Quickly, I sat up in my bed. Thank goodness. It was just a bad dream. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, got dressed and got ready for school. I jumped outside just before Mirry, (that’s what I call Miranda) and sat on the sidewalk waiting for the bus to come. Once we got onto the bus, I texted Lindsay telling her my horrific dream.
“Well that seemed bad,” she texted back.
“Brb, lemme go text Katie about it since it she’s in it!” I immediately texted back. Once again, I told or “texted” Katie my bad dream. She was shocked.
“Really? Why me? Why me? LOL jk” I laughed at that comment. As usual, we got to school without me knowing, and Mirry yelling at me,
“Come on Niaomi! We’re gonna be late for class!” Surprised from her yelling, I put up my phone, rushed out of the bus and into school.

First period wasn’t so bad. Dissecting frogs can be fun, yet hurtful at the same time. I love frogs, but too bad Mirry hates them. She was stabbing the frog like there was no tomorrow. But of course, she didn’t follow the rules, so Mr. Numble gave her detention, and she was no longer in the activity. Miranda enjoyed that. Mr. Numble is the rudest, strictest, meanest teacher in Zachary High School. Second period was probably the best period. P.E. I have all of my best friends in P.E.. Lindsay signals me to come over to her. Before P.E. starts, she shows me a text from Zeke, my true love!
It says, “Hey Lindsay, can you give me advise on asking Niaomi out? Like tomorrow I‘m gonna ask her out, and do you have any advise?” The text was from yesterday. I screamed and did the happy dance with Lindsay when Katie and Ariana came up.
“Why so happy dancey?” Asked Katie.
“Zeke is gonna ask me out.” I whispered in Katie’s ear, then Ariana‘s.
“Oh I’m so happy for you!” They both said at the same time, but with Katie’s smile, turning into a frown.

Chapter 3

“What’s wrong Katie?” I asked. “Oh its nothing,” She snuffled, “Its just that, I-I-I like Zeke, and I was going to well, ya know, ask him out.” She spoke her comment getting quieter and quieter until you almost couldn’t hear her in the end. Except I could hear every last word. I was terrified. Even more than my nightmare.
“Oh, I- I feel terrible!” I sputtered and gasped as I felt a little tear drop come in my eye. I would never want to break my best friend’s heart. Especially, with boy problems. I kept on wondering what I could do to help her. Get her a boyfriend? No, that won’t work. But before I could even get one good idea, she walked away, leaving me, Cymidei, Steph, Ariana, Mirry, and Lindsay only with each other. All of us, were speechless.

Chapter 4

I starred around at my friends, all gawking at this horrible, terrible incident. I didn’t know what to say or do. Slowly, I started walking up to Katie, with everyone else behind me.
“Guys, I might need to talk to her---alone,” I whispered to them. I continued creeping up to Katie as she sobbed in the corner of the gym, her still not seeing or hearing me. The look on her face was filled with tears, all chasing each other down her face.
I couldn’t bare to see her like this. “Ka-,” I got cut off by her saying,
“Go away! Haven’t you done enough to me in one day?” I started walking away, because if I stayed any longer, it might have gotten worse. She was definitely hurt, and all by my choice of dating Zeke. In-between where Katie was, and where I was going back to my other friends, I ran into Zeke.
Of course, he started blushing, and asked me, “Will you be my girlfriend, Niaomi?” I saw it coming, so I didn’t do the whole, I don’t know what to say thing. I still didn’t know what to say though. Break my best friend’s heart, or break mine. Selfishly, I said, “Uh-yeah uhh- of course Zeke!” and hugged him. I totally forgot about Katie in that time, and only thought about myself.

“That’s great!” Chirped Zeke.

“Yup! Well, I have to go talk to my friends about something, it’s like about a fight, and I need to fix it. Is that okay?” I asked.
“Anything for you!” He replied. I gave him one last hug, and he went to his “group” and I went to mine.
“First things first, Katie won’t talk to me.” I said to everyone. “But on the bright side, Zeke just asked me out!” Everyone started jumping up and down to the good news, but we were all still bummed about Katie’s news. We all didn’t know what to do! I went over to Katie again, and this time I said, “I am SO sorry Katie! I would never mean to hurt you EVER!”
She didn’t say anything, so I attempted to cheer her up by saying,“ If I knew you liked Zeke before that I never would have said yes, or anything like that!”
She took her head out of her knees, and smiled. I knew the old Katie was back, but what would I do about Zeke? She still would be mad, and a bit sad, so I had to think of something. I helped Katie over, and we hopped over to Cymidei, Steph, Ariana, Mirry, and Lindsay. They all smiled at the fact that Katie was smiling, and actually coming within 10 feet of all of us.
We all hugged each other, and then I said, “Katie, I am really sorry. I don’t know what to do because I already accepted Zeke’s offer of being his girlfriend. I could maybe set you up with one of his buds? He would definitely be wanting to help out!” Saying that made Katie even happier, and she nodded, yes. I walked over there to Zeke and said, “Hey, you know my friend Katie?” He nodded. “Well she is wanting a boyfriend, so do you think any of your friends would want to date her?”
He smiled and said, “Actually Brian over there just told me how he wished he could date Katie.” I was shocked at that, because when I asked Katie about Brian being her boyfriend right after that, she said that that was her most definitely second choice, and that she would love to! I guess things do come out the way they want to be, me with Zeke, Katie with Brian, and everyone is happy. Coach blew his whistle. “Time to pick captains, were playing dodgeball!” Screamed the coach. Everyone came up to coach and raised there hands, signaling that they wanted to be one of the two captains. “Okay, ummm, captains are… Niaomi, and uhhh, Katie!” He pointed at me and Katie. We both shook hands, and went to our sides. It was my turn first to pick, and I chose Zeke. He smiled and came up to my side and put his arm around me. It was Katie’s turn and she chose Brian. Brian did the same thing that Zeke did, he put his arm around Katie, and then it was my turn to choose someone. I chose Mirry. Katie then chose Steph, I chose Cymidei, she chose Ariana, and then I chose Lindsay, and then it came back to everyone we weren’t friends with. Zeke told me to choose people that were his friends, and ones that were athletic. Once the choosing phase was over, we started playing.
“3 2 1, START!” Coach blew his whistle. I went up to the front to get a ball and was aiming towards Brian when Steph flew in front of Brian trying to catch the ball that was flying towards Brian, and caught the ball, falling on her side. “OWW!” She squealed. Silence filled the room. Everyone stopped playing to come over to see if she was okay. “I- I can’t walk!” Steph was technically being carried by Coach, me and all of my friends. She was really hurt, and she had to go to the hospital. We were all worried, and once again, crying, but for a different reason.

Chapter 5

“Steph, are you okay?” I asked kneeling against the hospital bed. I was crying. My best friend was hurt, so much to the extreme that she had to go to the hospital, so how could I not cry. I am such a teary, crying person. “Stephanie has a broken hip, and she might have to stay in the hospital for a few days as she gets surgery and gets healed. But for now she is in a lot of pain.” Says the doctor, telling to the rest of the class.
Most of the class went with us to go support Steph. We had to came later than Steph arrived. Also, we had to call our parents to make sure it was okay to go. Most of the kids were allowed to go, and wanted to go, but some just went home and enjoyed the part of the day off, not caring about Steph. Of course, my mother said yes, to support my friend.
I was terrified. I never felt this way before. Blood was rushing all through my body. My heart pumping faster every minute. My best friend was really injured, and this had never happened to me before. I heard people rushing through the halls, all murmuring and trying to save someone’s live. I stepped back, and sat in the chair closest to me.
As soon as possible, the hospital called Steph’s mom and dad and they were in the room faster than a race car. They really cared for her, and they were as devastated as everyone else was, and especially me. Thoughts rolled through my mind. Is my best friend gone? Will she be okay? I really don’t want her hurt!

Chapter 6

3 weeks later Steph was recovered, but she has to be in a wheel-chair for about 8-10 weeks. In all of those weeks I am in charge of moving her wheel-chair around, helping her, etc, because she is in all of my classes. I feel so bad for Steph, but she acts like its nothing, she acts like she is just having a regular day, until something she can’t do happens. Tuesday, the second day of working with Steph, four new punk girls transferred to our school. “Look at them,” I whispered into Steph’s ear as we were walking to our lockers. Luckily, we are locker buddies also. That’s the best thing to have when you have to take care of a friend.
“I know, they are the new kids. All of them seem to know each other, and they all look like best friends, I mean whatever you call punk people who have friends. They don’t like to prefer themselves as friends. That’s too ‘girly’ for them. I am guessing they are the mean team.” She whispered back. I nodded in agreement.
On our way to 4th period, History, we bumped into the mean team, literally. “Hey watch out where ya going-- PUNK!” Who seemed to be the leader of the group said. Punk? Hey were not the only ones! I thought in my head. I wanted to scream it in their faces, but that was too much trouble.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you around the corner,” I said sweetly, yet I was lying.
I heard them coming before, and I wanted to give them a piece of my mind, if possible.
“Well next time, there is no apologies, its just game.” The leader one said again, this time popping a piece of gum, and held her hand out and took the other one and punched it repeatedly. This time, both me and Steph were scared.
“How did you all get to this school at the same time, and you all know each other,” I bravely spoke.
“We got expelled from our otha school, you got a problem with that, PUNK?” The second girl said, spitting at my face when she said punk. Good thing we were allowed to be late, Steph and I, because Mr. Freeman, our History teacher, wouldn’t have taken no excuse if I wasn’t helping Steph. I backed up, not wanting to get in trouble, turned Steph’s wheel-chair around, and headed the long way to his class. The only down side about that is that its raining thunder, and the only other way not to bump into the mean team, is to go the long, yet wet way.
“Please get your books out to page-,” Steph and I interrupted Mr. Freeman’s sentence. “Oh hi Stephanie and Niaomi, please take your seats and open up to page 385.” Two empty seats in the front were reserved for us, each next to each other, and I got Steph into comfort, while I took my seat to the left of her. I got my history book out for her and for me, and we opened up to page 385. I had to get a pencil out, and so did Steph, so I let Steph borrow one of mine, while I took another out for me. As I was searching for a pencil in my backpack, I felt a piece of paper, in which to my surprise was a note. I quickly read it before Mr. Freeman saw me looking at it and it said,

Party at my place, tonight at 7:00. Be there? it’s a celebration for us, Brian and Katie, and everyone’s invited! Hope you come.

Love you! Smile
Signed, Zeke.

I looked back at Zeke, who was only two rows behind me, he smiled and I smiled back. He knew I just read the note. I took out a pencil and got to work. For the rest of the day I couldn’t act normal. I was too excited for my boyfriend’s party. I couldn’t wait.

Chapter 7

It was 6:15. I was pumped up. 45 minutes left. I was still doing my hair. I guess the party isn’t gonna be too fancy, but I bet everyone else was at least going to do their hair and put on a dress or tux, or maybe a tux was too fancy. I thought to myself. I stopped thinking and kept curling my hair.
“Done!” I smiled in amazement at how good my hair looked. I’d never curled my hair before, so this was a surprise to me. A soft trumpet horn sound came from my phone. That was the noise my phone made when Zeke called. I had just changed it right when I got home. I looked at the text. It read:

Hey my little Nini. I’m almost done getting ready. Are you?

I loved it when he called me Nini, but never before has he called me “My little Nini.“ Probably because we were together now. I replied:

Almost. I just finished doing my hair, and now I’m gonna put on my dress. Smile

And that statement was true. I got out my dress from my closet and put it on. It was a calm green spring colored dress. It was strapless with a poofy bottom. And you know what I mean by poofy. It wasn’t a Cinderella type poofy dress. It was short, barely below my knees, and the poof literally was a poof. Not the Cinderella poof. My poof.
I didn’t get a text back from Zeke, but I was okay with that because I was too busy trying to find my purse that matched. I had plenty other ones that I hated, but this one matched, and this one I actually liked. I looked at the clock once I had found the purse. It read 6:45.
“Perfect.” I got out my car keys and wrote a sticky-note and snapped it on the door. It read, “Out at Katie’s house! I took my car. Don’t worry ‘bout me!” I lied. I didn't want my mom knowing I was going to my boyfriend's house to a party on a Tuesday night. Well, tomorrow was Teacher's Appreciation Day, and we had the day off tomorrow, but any other Tuesday to anywhere I would have gotten killed. I just got my driver’s license a couple of weeks ago. That was when my birthday was. I got in the car, and put my phone in my purse and drove out of the driveway. I knew where Zeke’s house was. Even before we were boyfriend and girlfriend we were tight buds, so we went to each other’s houses every once and a while. I got to the house, and what I saw shocked me. It was…

I will be posting Chapter 8 soon!

Last edited by Strawberry2424 on Tue May 18, 2010 1:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 11:47 am

omgg!! i cant wait for next chap!!
soooo exciting!!!
u ave talent ;D
ur a great authorr!!
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 1:33 pm

bluesea wrote:
omgg!! i cant wait for next chap!!
soooo exciting!!!
u ave talent ;D
ur a great authorr!!


Did you read the first 6 chapters? Because it's kinda hard to understand without the other ones XD

I'll post the new version of the other six chapters also here.
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 2:00 pm

WEEEE (loco)
Can't wait to
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 2:06 pm

Chinchilla wrote:
WEEEE (loco)
Can't wait to


I am guessing I should say thanks XD
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 2:11 pm

I guess LOL xD
EXCITEMENT okie i'm done.
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on   A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Icon_minitimeWed May 05, 2010 2:17 pm

Chinchilla wrote:
I guess LOL xD
EXCITEMENT okie i'm done.


I probably will write chapter 8 today is i feel better and finish my homework.
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A Sad, and wonderful Life, is on Empty
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