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 My New Adorable Baby Kitten!

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dana scully
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PostSubject: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 6:53 pm

Okay, so guess what? Today I just got a new, the most adorable baby kitten ever! She's SO cute and small and chubby and fluffy! My mom went shopping (i was asleep when she left) and then a while later i woke up and then another while later she came back and she was holding a blue container (the litterbox but it didn't have the litter in it) and a small chubby fluffy baby kitten! SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ON EARTH! I LUV HER SO MUCH! SHES SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE OMG I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHES TOTALLY ADORABLE AND SHES SO CUTE I CANT BELIEVE I ACTUALLY HAVE MY VERY OWN BABY KITTEN AND SHES SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!! Shes so adorable and sweet and kind and so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shes white with orange patches, and she was blue eyes. I luv her so much! She's literally THE most adorable kitten on earth! I love her with all my heart! Her name is Peaches! My kitten is being so so so so so adorable right now and right now shes about to fall asleep, its so cute! Shes wrapping her adorable little tail around her paws and closing her little beady eyes and its soooooo adorable! Omg if you met her, you would fall in love with her! I'm not joking! She has the nicest cutest little mews that are so soft and adorable and she's so clingy and i just love playing with her and everything! I was supposed to get a kitten once a few weeks ago from my friend who had seven kittens and she said that she was giving them away and she asked my mom if i could have one and my mom said yes and my dad said yes and i was rlly rlly excited and i kept on asking her to have her parents call mines (which they never did) and then one day she told me she gave all of the kittens away and i was rlly rlly sad and my parents said that they would hook me up with something else that would satisfy me more because her kittens were quite older than i wanted to have, and so today my mom got me a kitten and shes younger than her's and shes so cute! I luv Peaches so much! So ya, thats about my new adorable baby kitten! 
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 7:06 pm

OMG, you are so lucky!!! I am going to get a kitten this sometime this summer!!! But for right now...U R LUCKY!!!!! Do you think you could post a picture of her on here? Pleaseeee????!!!
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Ultimate Fantagian

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My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Empty
PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 7:13 pm

congrats! my cat, Disney is gray and he is cute too! omg i love the name also!

p.s. i had a small swimming frog named Peaches!
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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 10:15 pm

I kinda felt that way when I got my turtle (don't think turtles aren't cute mine is the cutest one I've seen). I was like OMG I FINALLY got a REAL pet. All I had then is fish.

And congrats on your kitten! I want a cat too. The reason I want a cat not a dog is because cats are pretty much independent and don't need that much attention. I'm busy a lot. So yeah. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 10:48 pm

@ Tomoyo: Thanx! Sure, i'll try to post a pic of her as soon as I can! (most likley tomorrow)

@ Ketchup: Thanx! Disney sounds adorable!

@ Rufistar: Thanx!
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dana scully
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dana scully

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 17, 2012 11:11 pm

Awwww I love cats! I have 3 and I got one for my bday and one like 1 day before my bday! I have 3 in all, Charlie (bday cat) Peter (1 day before) and natalie (found her on the streets) they r so sweet i got charlie when he was 4 months old and natalie at 7 months and peter at 6 months charlie sleeps with me every night! Ill make my profile them:)
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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 1:01 am

She sounds really cool

I've always wanted a cat but never got one
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 6:34 am

Sounds adorable! I love animals. I agree that peaches sound absolutely adorable, but we all have different opinions about what is the cutest thing ever. But Peaches does sound adorable! I like adopting animals too, but I try not to unless I really need one. But I guess it depends . . . I adopted my tortoise so I could have something to hold and she's really awesome to watch.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 6:39 am

Wow it seems you must have a really adorable kitten. x3
Also congratulations on getting your new kitten.
Would you mind showing a few pictures of your kitten?
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Loyal Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 6:41 am

She might have to wait a couple days because some baby animals when they are like infants and just move into a new home don't like having their pictures taken. Like on Drake and Josh? How the hamster got stunned? But I don't know if that kind of kitten is photo-sensitive. But I hope you can post some pics!
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Senior Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 18, 2012 8:22 am

iI'll try as soon as possible to post some pics. But she's sooo cute! So right now she's sleeping so adorably!!! She's curled up into a small ball with her adorable little tail wrapped around her ever-so-cute tiny paws!! And her tiny pink button nose! So i haven't gotten her any rlly good toys yet and so i started playing with her with my iPod charger as a today and i swung it around and i made it dance (gently) and Peaches started chasing it so cutely and she stalked it as if it was a mouse, it was sooo cute! Peaches is totally adorable! She's sooo clingy! She clings on me a LOT and as soon as i start petting her and she's clinging on my chest (with my other hand supporting her booty) and then she starts purring so cutely and softly and then gets all sleepy and its so cute. In the world there isnt such things as the cutest thing ever, i know, bcuz all animals are extremely adorable and i would know because i luvvvvvvvvv animals and i'm an animal lover, but a lot of people can't help saying that their baby cousin or their new puppy or something is the cutest thing they've ever seen, but they probably don't mean it because all animals are totally adorable!!! Like Peaches! Peaches is so fluffy! She loves to explore. But its just so cute the way Peaches does . . . EVERYTHING! By that, i mean that everything Peaches does is cute and adorable, and its true! So i'll try to post a pic as soon as i can, but probably in a few days or so because i want er to get comfortable and everything. Thnx everyone! and Peaches says hi tee hee lol. lol! Very Happy

Okay good news guys so i'm just editing this post cuz i cant double post, so i just learned how to get my phone camera off of flash, so i could take pictures of my adorable Peaches when she wakes up from her adorable nap! So i'll make sure to post lots of adorable pictures of her! She's so cute! Stay tuned! Very Happy

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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2012 4:31 pm

Can you post a picture of her yet?? Pleaseeeee!!! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2012 4:41 pm

Cool, this is my mom when it comes to kittens
Me: Mom can we get a cat?
Mom: Dachsuand. (type of dog)
Me: What?
Mom: Dachsuand.
Me: Fine.
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2012 5:39 pm

D'awww!!!! She sounds like a really adorable kitten!! I've always wanted a pet kitten! Could you post a picture of her on here? I would love to see her!
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Hero Fantagian

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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2012 5:54 pm

3agle wrote:
Cool, this is my mom when it comes to kittens
Me: Mom can we get a cat?
Mom: Dachsuand. (type of dog)
Me: What?
Mom: Dachsuand.
Me: Fine.
lol!!! my mom just says "maybe"
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PostSubject: Re: My New Adorable Baby Kitten!   My New Adorable Baby Kitten! Icon_minitime

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